A Ramadan Quran Reading Chart to Complete Quran in 30 Days

Do You Want to Read  Complete Quran in 30 Days of Ramadan?

How many of you tried to Complete Quran in Ramadan and always fail ? I Believe that every Success needs to be planned. Today I would like to share this beautiful Chart to Complete Quran in 30 Days .It is not tough to follow and is designed for an average Muslims . May It benefit you too.

A Ramadan Quran Reading Chart to Complete Quran in 30 Days 7

Ramadan Quran Reading Chart, How to Complete Quran in 30 Days of Ramadan?

One Simple formula is :

Read 4 pages of the Qur’an after each salah. (Try to read with meaning.)

5 times of salah X 4 pages of the Qur’an = 20 pages of the Qur’an a day

20 pages of the Qur’an= 1Juz’

1 Juz’ X 30 days = 30 Juz’

SubhanAllaah! See how Allaah سبحانه و تعالى made it easy for us

Please Note : If Ever you fail to follow one or two schedule,Do not panic and leave the task . Purify your Intention that all the Quran you are reading is only for the sake of Pleasure of Allah swt .Try to switch time to your most comfortable time and carry on your struggle to complete the Quran. In sha Allah , Allah will help you.

Also Read :

Ramadan Quran Reading Chart

In fact the next few articles which I am going to write for you will all include beneficial resources to make your Productive .All thanks to Allah that many of you found the “Preaparation for Ramadan 2017 ” Useful . In sha Allah will try my best to include more articles on Ramadan .

You can also use this Chart :

ramadan Quran reading chart
Ramadan Quran Reading Chart

Note : Day 1 : Maghrib : Chapter 1.V1 to Chapter 2 .V 210

Or Alternatively You can Also follow this Schedule-The Below Schedule can be downloaded as pdf here>> Quran Reading Schedule in Ramadan for Men and Women pdf

Calendar of reading the Quran during Ramadan for Men 

Day – JuzHizbReading to do
1 Ramadan1 – 2  Sura 1, v.1 to Sura 2, v.141
2 Ramadan3 – 4  Sura 2, v.142  to Sura 2, v.252
3 Ramadan5 – 6  Sura 2, v.253 to  Sura 3, v.92
4 Ramadan7 – 8  Sura 3, v.93  to Sura 4, v.23
5 Ramadan9 – 10  Sura 4, v.24 to Sura 4, v.147
6 Ramadan11 – 12  Sura 4, v.148 to Sura 5, v.81
7 Ramadan13 – 14  Sura 5, v.82 to Sura 6, v.110
8 Ramadan15 – 16  Sura 6, v.111 to  Sura 7, v.87
9 Ramadan17 – 18  Sura 7, v.88 to Sura 8, v.40
10 Ramadan19 – 20  Sura 8, v.41 to  Sura 9, v.92
11 Ramadan21 – 22  Sura 9, v.93  to Sura 11, v.5
12 Ramadan23 – 24  Sura 11, v.6 to  Sura 12, v.52
13 Ramadan25 – 26  Sura 12, v.53 to Sura 14, v.52
14 Ramadan27 – 28  Sura 15, v.1 to Sura 16, v.128
15 Ramadan29 – 30  Sura 17, v.1 to Sura 18, v.74
16 Ramadan31 – 32  Sura 18, v.75 to Sura 20, v.135
17 Ramadan33 – 34  Sura 21, v.1 to Sura 22, v.78
18 Ramadan35 – 36  Sura 23, v.1 to  Sura 25, v.20
19 Ramadan37 – 38  Sura 25, v.21 to  Sura 27, v.55
20 Ramadan39 – 40  Sura 27, v.56 to Sura 29, v.45
21 Ramadan41 – 42  Sura 29, v.46 to Sura 33, v.30
22 Ramadan43 – 44  Sura 33, v.31 to Sura 36, v.27
23 Ramadan45 – 46  Sura 36, v.28 to sura 39, v.31
24 Ramadan47 – 48  Sura 39, v.32 to Sura 41, v.46
25 Ramadan49 – 50  Sura 41, v.47 to Sura 45, v.37
26 Ramadan51 – 52  Sura 46, v.1 to  Sura 51, v.30
27 Ramadan53 – 54  Sura 51, v.31 to Sura 57, v.29
28 Ramadan55 – 56  Sura 58, v.1 to Sura 66, v.12
29 Ramadan57 – 58  Sura 67, v.1 to Sura 77, v.50
30 Ramadan59 – 60  Sura 78, v.1 to Sura 114, v.6

Calendar of reading the Quran during Ramadan for Women*

Day – JuzHizbReading to do
1 Ramadan1 – 3  Sura 1, v.1 to Sura 2, v.202
2 Ramadan4 – 6  Sura 2, v.203 to sura 3, v.92
3 Ramadan7 – 9  Sura 3, v.93 to Sura 4, v.87
4 Ramadan10 – 12  Sura 4, v.88 Sura 5, v.81
5 Ramadan13 – 15  Sura 5, v.82 to Sura 6, v.165
6 Ramadan16 – 18  Sura 7, v.1  Sura 8, v.40
7 Ramadan19 – 21  Sura 8, v.41 to Sura 10, v.25
8 Ramadan22 – 24  Sura 10, v.26 Sura 12, v.52
9 Ramadan25 – 27  Sura 12, v.53 to Sura 16, v.50
10 Ramadan28 – 30  Sura 16, v.51 Sura 18, v.74
11 Ramadan31 – 33  Sura 18, v.75 to Sura 21, v.112
12 Ramadan34 – 36  Sura 22, v.1 Sura 25, v.20
13 Ramadan37 – 39  Sura 25, v.21 to Sura 28, v.50
14 Ramadan40 – 42  Sura 28, v.51 Sura 33, v.30
15 Ramadan43 – 45  Sura 33, v.31 to Sura 37, v.144
16 Ramadan46 – 48  Sura 37, v.145 to Sura 41, v.46
17 Ramadan49 – 51  Sura 41, v.47 to Sura 48, v.17
18 Ramadan52 – 54  Sura 48, v.18  to Sura 57, v.29
19 Ramadan55 – 57  Sura 58, v.1 to Sura 71, v.28
20 Ramadan58 – 60  Sura 72, v.1 to  Sura 114, v.6

*Because women may have missed days of fasting during Ramadan, the division was spread over 20 days, at 3 hizb per day, leaving them with a sufficient margin in case of a temporary interruption of their month. It is indeed better to set a reading pace of 3 hizb per day instead of trying to catch up 5-6 days of readings.

How to complete Quran in 15 days?

Read day 1 and 2 in a day and 3 and 4 on second day and likewise.

Have A Productive Ramadan. And Keep me in your Prayers. JazakAllah Khair.

Download this Quran Reading Chart and Useful Dhikr Adhkar Chart:

This can be Very useful if you want to increase your amount of Dhikr and be consistent in it .

You can Download it FREE and distribute it to anyone with the condition that you do not modify the pdf .

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Ramadhan, Quran,