Advertise Islamic Products and Business.

Advertise Islamic Products and Business.

Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.

Advertise Islamic Products and Islamic Business. 7

I am Aafiya – the Owner and the Blogger of this Website.  If You are looking to advertise your Islamic Business, I am offering the adspace of “Islam Hashtag ”  at a very nominal rate.

If you are a new business or you are not sure if our advertisement can help you, You can even try our advertisement space for 1 week. And you can book the slot long term if you think it might be taken by other advertisers.

If You are interested in Placing an Ad in our Website or if you to promote your books,apps etc ,You can Contact us  at  [email protected]  .

Here are some Statistics of Visitors of “Islam Hashtag : 2021″

Advertise Islamic Products and Business.
Advertise Islamic Products and Business.

Previous year report :

Alexa Rank: 331 293.

Majority readers from : US ,UK ,India , Pakistan

Alhumdulillah !” Islam Hashtag” is well received by both gender,Young and Old. We have Readers from all age group and readers from different religion and region. Here is a graph showing the gender distribution of Readers of Islam Hashtag .

Visitors According to Gender


Advertise Islamic Products and Business.

If You are interested in advertising with us, Do let us know. In Sha Allah We will get back to you as soon as possible.