Benefits of Surah Tariq

Surah At-Tariq is the 86th chapter of the Holy Quran. It consists of 17 verses revealed in Mecca, addressing themes such as the power of Allah, human creation, and the Day of Judgement.

Benefits of Surah Tariq 6
Benefits of Surah Tariq

Surah Tariq with its translation:

بِسۡمِ اللهِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِيۡمِ

(86:1) By the heaven, and the night-visitor,

وَالسَّمَآءِ وَالطَّارِقِۙ‏ 

(86:2) what do you know what the night-visitor is?

وَمَاۤ اَدۡرٰٮكَ مَا الطَّارِقُۙ‏ 

(86:3) It is the piercing star.

النَّجۡمُ الثَّاقِبُۙ‏ 

(86:4) There is no living being but there is a protector over it.

اِنۡ كُلُّ نَفۡسٍ لَّمَّا عَلَيۡهَا حَافِظٌؕ‏ 

(86:5) So let man consider of what he was created.

فَلۡيَنۡظُرِ الۡاِنۡسَانُ مِمَّ خُلِقَؕ‏ 

(86:6) He was created of a gushing fluid,

خُلِقَ مِنۡ مَّآءٍ دَافِقٍۙ‏ 

(86:7) emanating from between the loins and the ribs.

يَّخۡرُجُ مِنۡۢ بَيۡنِ الصُّلۡبِ وَالتَّرَآئِبِؕ‏ 

(86:8) Surely He (the Creator) has the power to bring him back (to life).

اِنَّهٗ عَلٰى رَجۡعِهٖ لَقَادِرٌؕ‏ 

(86:9) On the Day when man’s deepest secrets shall be put to the test

يَوۡمَ تُبۡلَى السَّرَآئِرُۙ‏ 

(86:10) he shall have no power, and no helper.

فَمَا لَهٗ مِنۡ قُوَّةٍ وَّلَا نَاصِرٍؕ‏ 

(86:11) By the heaven with its recurring cycle of rain,

وَالسَّمَآءِ ذَاتِ الرَّجۡعِۙ‏ 

(86:12) and by the earth ever bursting with verdure,

وَالۡاَرۡضِ ذَاتِ الصَّدۡعِۙ‏ 

(86:13) this (Qur’an) is surely a decisive Word,

اِنَّهٗ لَقَوۡلٌ فَصۡلٌۙ‏ 

(86:14) not a flippant jest.

وَّمَا هُوَ بِالۡهَزۡلِؕ‏ 

(86:15) They are devising a guile,

اِنَّهُمۡ يَكِيۡدُوۡنَ كَيۡدًا ۙ‏ 

(86:16) and I too am devising a guile.

وَّاَكِيۡدُ كَيۡدًا ۚۖ‏ 

(86:17) So leave the unbelievers to themselves; respite them awhile.

فَمَهِّلِ الۡكٰفِرِيۡنَ اَمۡهِلۡهُمۡ رُوَيۡدًا

The Benefits of Surah At-Tariq

Encouragement from the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)to recite Surah Tariq

An-Nasa’i recorded an incident involving Muadh ibn Jabal Muadh (ﷺ) led the Maghrib prayer and recited long surahs like Al-Baqarah and An-Nisa. The Prophet (ﷺ) gently reproached him, saying:

“أَفَتَّانٌ أَنْتَ يَا مُعَاذُ، مَا كَانَ يَكْفِيكَ أَنْ تَقْرَأَ بِالسَّمَاءِ وَالطَّارِقِ وَالشَّمْسِ وَضُحَاهَا وَنَحْوِهَا؟”

“Are you putting the people to trial, O Muadh! Was it not sufficient for you to recite As-Samai wat-Tariq, and Ash-Shamsi wa Duhaha, and something like them?”

This hadith underscores the Rasul Allah sallalahu alaihe wa sallam’s preference for reciting shorter surahs like At-Tariq in congregational prayers to avoid causing difficulty for the people. This incident highlights the ease and accessibility of Surah At-Tariq, making it a suitable choice for regular recitation.

Quran on forgiveness of sins

The Oath by the Heaven and the Nightcomer

Allah begins Surah At-Tariq with a powerful oath:

“وَالسَّمَاءِ وَالطَّارِقِ (By the heaven and At-Tariq); وَمَا أَدْرَاكَ مَا الطَّارِقُ (And what will make you to know what At-Tariq is?); النَّجْمُ الثَّاقِبُ (The piercing star).”

This opening emphasises the significance of celestial phenomena as signs of Allah’s omnipotence. The night-comer, interpreted by scholars like Qatadah as a star that appears at night, symbolizes divine guidance and illumination. Ibn Abbas explained that “Ath-Thaqib” refers to the illuminating star that burns the Shaytan, signifying protection and guidance from Allah.

The Assurance of Divine Protection

In verse 4, Allah assures that every soul has a guardian:

“إِنْ كُلُّ نَفْسٍ لَمَّا عَلَيْهَا حَافِظٌ (There is no human being but has a protector over him).”

Ibn Kathir explain that this guardian is an angel assigned by Allah to protect the individual from calamities. This divine protection underscores the constant care and mercy of Allah towards His creation, providing a sense of security and trust in His benevolence. As stated in another part of the Qur’an:

“لَهُ مُعَقِّبَاتٌ مِّن بَيْنِ يَدَيْهِ وَمِنْ خَلْفِهِ يَحْفَظُونَهُ مِنْ أَمْرِ اللَّهِ (For Him, there are angels in succession, before and behind him. They guard him by the command of Allah)” (Qur’an 13:11).

Reflection on Human Creation

Surah At-Tariq invites believers to reflect on their origin:

“فَلْيَنْظُرِ الْإِنسَانُ مِمَّ خُلِقَ (So let man observe from what he was created!); خُلِقَ مِنْ مَاءٍ دَافِقٍ (He was created from a fluid, ejected); يَخْرُجُ مِنْ بَيْنِ الصُّلْبِ وَالتَّرَائِبِ (Emerging from between the backbone and the ribs).”

This reflection on the humble beginnings of human life serves as a reminder of human fragility and dependence on Allah. It also reinforces the belief in resurrection, as the One who created life from such humble origins can surely bring it back again. This theme is reiterated in various parts of the Qur’an, emphasising Allah’s power to resurrect and judge. As stated in the Qur’an:

“وَهُوَ الَّذِي يَبْدَأُ الْخَلْقَ ثُمَّ يُعِيدُهُ وَهُوَ أَهْوَنُ عَلَيْهِ (And He it is Who originates the creation, then He will repeat it; and this is easier for Him)” (Qur’an 30:27).

The Day of Judgement

The surah concludes with a vivid depiction of the Day of Judgement:

“يَوْمَ تُبْلَى السَّرَائِرُ (The Day when all the secrets will be examined); فَمَا لَهُ مِنْ قُوَّةٍ وَلَا نَاصِرٍ (Then he will have no power or any helper).”

On this day, hidden deeds and secrets will be exposed, and individuals will be held accountable for their actions. This serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of sincerity and integrity in one’s actions, knowing that nothing is concealed from Allah. The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said:

“يُرْفَعُ لِكُلِّ غَادِرٍ لِوَاءٌ عِنْدَ اسْتِهِ يُقَالُ: هذِهِ غَدْرَةُ فُلَانِ بْنِ فُلَان (Every betrayer will have a flag raised for him behind his back, and it will be said, ‘This is the betrayal of so-and-so, the son of so-and-so).”

Virtue of Surah At Tariq

1. The surah affirms that Allah is the Guardian

Allah Almighty Himself looks after and watches over every creature, big or small, in the earth and heavens. He has brought everything into existence, maintains and sustains everything in its place, and has taken the responsibility to provide for every creature and protect it from calamities until an appointed time. This oath is sworn by the heaven and by every star and planet that appears in the darkness of the night. The existence of each star testifies to the fact that a Being has created it, illuminated it, suspended it in space, and watches over it, ensuring it does not fall from its place or collide with another star.

2. The surah makes us Ponder over the unique Creation process

After inviting man to ponder over the heavens, he is now invited to consider his own self and see how he has been created. Who selects one spermatozoon from among billions emitted by the father and combines it with one ovum out of many produced by the mother, causing a particular human being to be conceived? Who develops it gradually in the mother’s womb until it is delivered as a living child? Who watches over it from birth until death, protecting it from disease, accidents, and calamities, and provides countless means of life and opportunities for survival? Is all this happening without the planning and supervision of One God?

3. Surah tariq talks about scientific miracle of the Gushing Fluid.

“خُلِقَ مِنْ مَاءٍ دَافِقٍ” means ejaculation of semen carrying the sperm (nutfa), a mature male reproductive cell in semen, which fertilizes the female ovum. Sperms are produced by testes, each with 800 small tubules producing about 200-300 million sperms every day. The ejaculation process involves the coordination of multiple sections of the nervous system and the proper functioning of the spinal cord centers located between the backbone (sulb) and the ribs (taraib).

4. Surah Tariq gives the Proof of Resurrection

Allah’s creation and supervision of man from conception until death is proof that He can create him again after death. If He had the power to create man in the first instance, what rational argument can be made to suggest He cannot do it again? Denying this power is akin to denying that God brought man into existence, which is irrational considering the complexity and wisdom involved in creation.

5. Surah Tariqs warns that the Hidden Secrets shall be revealed.

On the Day of Resurrection, the hidden secrets of every person will be laid bare. Acts and deeds will be examined, including the motives and intentions behind them. The effects and influences of these acts, their spread and duration, will also be revealed.

6.This surah reflects on Dhat ar-Raje’

The sky is referred to as dhat ar-raje. Literally, raje means to return, metaphorically used for rain in Arabic because it falls repeatedly. Rain returns as vapor from the oceans and falls back as rain on the earth.

7. Surah Tariq confirms about the Reality of the Hereafter

Just as rain falls from the sky and the earth splits to produce shoots, the news that man will return to his God is a definite reality and an unchangeable truth.

8. Surah Tariq warns about the Disbelievers’ Deception

Disbelievers devise plans to defeat the Qur’an’s message, creating doubts and false accusations to frustrate the Prophet’s mission. However, Allah’s plan ensures their defeat, spreading the light of truth far and wide.

Spiritual and Psychological Benefits

Reciting and reflecting upon Surah At-Tariq offers numerous spiritual and psychological benefits. It strengthens one’s faith, providing reassurance of Allah’s protection and justice. The contemplation of divine creation and the final judgement fosters a deeper connection with Allah and encourages a mindful and sincere approach to life.


Surah At-Tariq, with its profound themes and divine assurances, serves as a source of spiritual nourishment and guidance. The virtues highlighted in classical Islamic texts and prophetic traditions encourage believers to recite and reflect upon this surah regularly. By doing so, they can strengthen their faith, gain reassurance of Allah’s protection, and prepare for the ultimate reality of the Hereafter.

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