Islamic Lifestyle

Can Dua change Destiny – Are there any hadith ?

Can Dua change Destiny ?

Can Dua change Destiny - Are there any hadith ? 4

Can I get what I am not destined to get ?

I have no hopes of getting married,it is just not in my destiny ,how can Dua help ?

Can you give some hadeeth which says that that Dua can change destiny ?

yes, dua can change everything.

Getting frustrated with life is the biggest mistake we all do . How do we know what is written for us ? No One has knowledge about it except Allah . All thanks to Allah that he has kept the doors of Dua Open for us .How do we dare to think that there is no use making Dua ?

Even if your Duas are not getting fulfilled Why are you losing your ajar by  being remorseful ? Don’t you know that Dua is an act of worship. Every Dua that We make is written in our account of good deeds .Allah swt recompenses his slave to full. He does not do injustice to any one  .When our duas are not fulfilled in this World it is rewarded with more ajar in the akhirah . Dua is the weapon of the believer and infact the only thing that  can even change our Fate or Destiny. Allah doesn’t like People who do not make Dua.

Allah Says in Holy Quran:

And your Lord said: ‘Invoke Me , I will respond to your (invocation).

Verily, those who scorn My worship [i.e. do not invoke Me, and do not believe in My Oneness] they will surely enter Hell in humiliation!’”[Surah Ghaafir 40:60]

In another Verse, Allah says:

“And when My slaves ask you (O Muhammad PBUH) concerning Me, then (answer them), I am indeed near (to them). I respond to the invocations of the supplicant when he calls on Me” [Surah al-Baqarah 2:186]

There are so many stories from Quran ,Hadeeth and real life incidence that I can relate which shows the Power of Dua and that show  how Allah accepted them with great acceptance .May Allah make us among those whose Dua are accepted by Allah . May Allah accept all our naqis effort and make us among those whom he love.

Read : Story of Wife of Ibrahim AS and the lustful King

Dua change Destiny Hadith

As for today I want to relate some Hadeeth that says that Dua can change Destiny .Some of them are –

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  1. Nothing can change the Divine decree except dua”.[Musnad Ahmad, 5/677; Ibn Majah, 90; Jami` Al-Tirmidhi, 139. Classed as hasan by Albani]
  2. No precaution can protect against the decree of Allah. Dua is beneficial with regard to what has been decreed and what has not been decreed. The dua meets the calamity that has been decreed and wrestles with it, until the Day of Resurrection.” [Tabarani]
  3. The Prophet (Peace be upon Him) said: “No precaution can protect against the decree of Allaah. Du’aa’ is beneficial with regard to what has been decreed and what has not been decreed. The du’aa’ meets the calamity that has been decreed and wrestles with it, until the Day of Resurrection.”(Narrated by al-Tabaraani, 2/800 (33). Al-Albaani said in Saheeh al-Jaami’, 7739, (it is) hasan).
  4. Nothing increases one’s life-span except good deeds, and nothing repels Divine Decree except du’a. And very, a person may be deprived for sustenance due to a sin that he does!” [Narrated by Ibn Majah #90 and confirmed authentic by Shaykh al-Albani in as-Sahihah #154]
  5. Another narration by at-Tirmidhi also supports this. The Prophet, upon whom be peace, said:
    There is no Muslim on the face of the earth that asks Allah for anything except that Allah gives it to him, or averts from him a similar evil, as long as he does not ask for something evil or for breaking the ties of kinship.” [Authentic, narrated by at-Tirmidhi from ‘Ubadah ibn Samit, as is mentioned in Sahih al-Jami’#5637]
  6. Ibn Hajr, commenting on the benefits of du’a, said:”And the benefit of performing du’a is the attainment of reward by obeying the command (of Allah to make du’a), and also by the attainment of what is asked for, for there is a possibility that the request is dependant on the du’a, since Allah is the Creator of both the effort and result of the effort!” [Fath al-Bari 11/95]
  7. It was narrated from Ibn ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: “Du’aa’ may be of benefit with regard to what has already happened or what has not yet happened, so adhere to Du’aa’, O slaves of Allaah. Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (3548)
  8. Dua is the ultimate form of Abdiya (Bondsman-ship) in that it is an expression of one’s total dependence on Allah Almighty knowing that every single condition — good or bad, happy or sad, benefit or loss, wealth or poverty — is exclusively in the hands of Allah Almighty and that He alone is the ultimate Causer of causes. With Him are the keys to His unlimited and unending treasures.
  9. Dua is that act which ‘connects’ the slave to his Master. The slave lifts his hands as begging bowls in an expression of begging as a beggar does. “O mankind! It is you who stand as beggars in your relation to Allah, and it is Allah Who is Free of all wants, Worthy of all praise. (Qur’an, 35:15)
  10. If it is not in the nature of a mother to turn her child away empty handed no matter how disobedient a child may be, how is it possible that the One who is the most merciful and who has placed mercy in the hearts of all mothers turns away His slave, empty handed? How is it possible for the One Who becomes angry when His slaves do not supplicate to Him not to be happy when they do? (Sunan Ibn Majah)
  11. Continuously turning to Allah Almighty in dua is a sign of one’s conviction in Him and the more one turns to Him, the more one’s faith increases. Dua is a condition of the heart and conversation with one’s Maker in the language of one’s choice. A Hadith says, dua is a means of beseeching Allah Almighty for the fulfillment of all our needs no matter how mundane or insignificant as it may be; or significant as facing overwhelming odds in the battlefield (Tirmidhi)
  12. Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr (radiyallahu’anhuma) reported that once Rasulullah (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam) recited the verse in which Nabi Ibrahim (‘alayhis salam) said: ‘O my Rabb, indeed they have misled many people, whoever followed me is from me…’Thereafter he recited the verse in which Nabi ‘Isa (‘alayhis Salam) said: ‘If you punish them, then they are surely your bondsmen. And if You forgive them then You are indeed most Forgiving, most Merciful.’Then Rasulullah (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam) raised his hands, cried and said:‘O Allah! my Ummat, my Ummat!’When Jibril (‘alayhis salam) came, he was informed of the reason.Allah Ta’ala said to Jibril (‘alayhis salam): ‘O Jibril! Go back to Muhammad (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam) and tell him we shall please you, and not displease you regarding your Ummah.’(Sahih Muslim, hadith: 498)

    Look How Lucky we are to be the Ummat of Rasul Allah Sallahu alaihe Wasalam . It is because Allah accepted his dua that most of the people in Jannah will be the ummat of Rasul Allah saw.

2 types of Decree

Basically , there are two types of decree (qada’):

(a) The absolute decree (al-qada’ al-mubram), which is what Allah willed in eternity. This isn’t subject to change, by definition; and

(b) The relative or conditional decree (al-qada’ al-mu`allaq), which is the direction in which the flow of life events seems to be going. This is what can change. This could be referred to as “apparent destiny.”

To summarise it ,  Divine Decree (qadr) cannot be used as an excuse not to make du’a. For, just as one strives to ensure that one attains worldly needs, of food, drink and family, so too must one strive in one’s religious deeds to attain the desired goal. Du’a is intrinsically related to qadr; in fact, it is part of one’s qadr. Allah has already decreed that a certain matter will be granted to a servant, or an evil averted from him, if he make du’a, so if he were to leave du’a, then the desired goal would not be reached.

It was the sunnah of the Prophet, upon whom be peace, to make the following du’a during the witr prayer:

” … Bless me in what You have given me. And avert and turn away from me the evil that has been decreed for me, for verily You Decree (all things), and none can decree against You … “[Reported by at-Tirmidhi #464, an-Nasa’i #1725 and others, with an authentic chain]

So the Muslim turns to Allah and prays to Him so that any and all evil can be averted from him.

It should be born in mind that to discuss or talk about Taqdeer was not the practice of the Salaf.

Saaiduna Abu Hurairah  narrates that the Prophet of Allah came to us when we were arguing about Taqdeer.  He was angry and his face became so red that it looked as if pomegranate seeds had been burst upon his cheeks.  He then said “Is this what you were commanded to do? Or was it for this purpose that I was sent to you?  Your predecessors perished only when they argued about this matter.  I adjure you, I adjure you, not to argue about it.” ’  (Sunan Ibn Majah p.9 v.1)

I Pray that this helps you understand the need of Dua- the Command of making Dua and the Power of Dua .

In Sha Allah ,I can relate to you some stories from Quran and Hadeeth on “The Power of Dua ” .If you want to read them, Do let me know by commenting in the comment box below.

Edit : Articles on “Power of Dua Series “

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Fahmina is the Founder of and She is a certified Optometrist Doctor and an Alimah graduate.She expertise in Tafsir, Hadith, Fiqh, Seerah and she teaches Women and Kids. She is passionate about spreading authentic information about the religion of Islam. Connect with her to keep updated about her recent ebooks and projects.

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