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Get to Know the Blogger behind this Blog

Assalamu alaikum,

Get to Know the Blogger behind this Blog 4

First of all I congratulate all my readers who have been to hajj this year. And I pray for the rest of us that May Allah call us to Hajj soon. I am so glad that you found the Hajj Dua cards useful and I know that many of you made dua for me .Did you make dua for me or you  forgot? 🙂

Many of you dropped me an email asking me to share something more about me and What dua I want you to make for me. First of all let me tell you that your emails and comments makes me very happy. I can’t describe how motivating it is! I may not be able to reply to all of you but yes,I read all of them. So, Here is my Introduction 🙂

I am your sister in deen who seeks to spread the beauty of Islam. What Inspired me to start this Blog is the hadeeth of Rasul Allah swt “Convey from me, even if it is one verse. “I started this Blog in the year 2015 and alhumdulillah now this blog has around 10,000 email subscribers and numerous fans in all social media. The social media that we use most is Facebook and We have account in Instagramgoogle plustwitter, Pinterest and Flipboard too. If you are in any of the above social media account I request you to please Subscribe because it helps  us in reaching more People .

So,I started this blog in 2015. It grew fast alhumdulillah but few month ago when the statistic struck around 2 lakh session in a month , my service Provider asked me to update to a costlier hosting. Subhan Allah ! A Blessing was causing me worries. I was getting worried because the cost of running the blog was increasing tremendously.  My husband supported me and paid for the hosting. He always gives without a need to ask. Alhumdulillah!  My father also encouraged me to continue and so I continued. With time I designed some Printable Worksheet  which helped me cover the cost and then I made a Donation Page. A  generous Supporter who doesn’t wants to be named  contacted me for Donation. Alhumdulillah! he contributes every month to “Islam Hashtag .” I urge you to keep him in your Duas.

Regarding me, I am an Optometrist by qualification. I have Worked as an Optometrist and  I used to have my own clinic. I moved to Saudi Arab with my husband after our Marriage in 2012 and  here I started my Alimah studies. It is a 6 year advanced ClassicaI Islamic learning and is my main Priority. I have a 4  years Old cute little daughter and her name is Maryam. Please Keep her in your Duas. She is the building block of my life. May Allah make  her a source for us  to Please Allah swt.

I divide my day between attending classes, doing Muta’ala (that is Pre Reading the lessons that I am supposed to attend ) and doing Takrar (Discussing the lessons learnt with our friends ). I reserve my non Productive hours for fulfilling my duties as a Mother,Wife,Daughter,Sister,Neighbor,and a Friend. Chatting with my Parents and my sibling with the intention of being dutiful to parents and keeping relations is something that I do every day besides my studies.

To Know more about  me and about the features of Islam Hashtag , I urge you to read our about Us Page. If you  like any article or post of this blog, kindly consider sharing it with your friends.If you feel that this blog can benefit someone ,ask them to Subscribe . 

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If You are New to our Blog and you do not know where to start, Check our Home Page . And Even if you are an Old reader,do check the homepage .We have given it a new look . Check it out and do tell me how do you like it ?

If you like my Work , Please make Dua for me and for all the sisters who are studying with me that Allah accept us for the study of his deen and help us pass our Alimah Program . May Allah help us keep our intentions pure and guide all of us to “Sirat al Mustaqeem ” .

Please Pray that Allah accept all our efforts ,give us ilm of deen and taufeeq to do amal in it . Please pray that Allah protect us from the plots of Shaitan and give us barakah in out time so that we spoil Shaitan’s plan against us by doing more good deeds .

O Allah help all of us follow your command ,

help us walk in the footsteps of our dear Prophet SAW

and help us fulfill the rights People have on us . 

With Regards,



Fahmina is the Founder of Islamhashtag.com and Opthametry.com. She is a certified Optometrist Doctor and an Alimah graduate.She expertise in Tafsir, Hadith, Fiqh, Seerah and she teaches Women and Kids. She is passionate about spreading authentic information about the religion of Islam. Connect with her to keep updated about her recent ebooks and projects.

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  • I have been visiting your blog for sometime now .And it has become a sort of daily routine to explore your articles everyday .Masha Allah you wrote 410 article in just 3 years . I just can't think about it. Hard work Masha Allah!

  • Alhamdu liLahi wa liLahil hamdu .
    Congratulations and may Allah s w t sustain your efforts and achievements with abundant blessings .
    I share this sisters in Islam and pray that Allah will enable their getting inspired .
    Thank you for the sharing and Allah bless abundantly .

  • Jazak Allah Khair for your Beautiful comments . I am not even a drop in the Ocean. The Scholars and the students of ilm put a lot of effort in acquiring ilm as well as in spreading the beneficial knowledge . May Allah put a barakah in our time and help us make a difference .

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