
How to do Hajj- Detailed Video

Hajj video

How to do Hajj ?

First of all Congratulations to every one who has been chosen for Hajj this year .

Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam and even if we are not going on hajj this year we should prepare for the journey and make dua to Allah swt to accept us.

I recommend this video to all the People Preparing for Hajj and  to all the People learning about Hajj .This Video is concise and is in exact words of what my book on “Fiqh of Hajj “says . I found it very useful while Preparing for my exams and I recommend that all of you Watch it .


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I have a humble request .Please keep all of the ummah in your prayer and ask Allah swt to make it possible for all of us to do hajj.


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