Muslims across the world including several scholars and activists took to social media to mourn the death of Mohamed Morsi. The death of President Mohammad Morsi, the only fairly elected ruler of Egypt, while defending himself in front of a corrupt and rotting judicial system that supports the tyranny of oppressive governments, is symbolic, I’m afraid, of our political reality – and Allah alone is the One we complain our grievances to. Said Dr Yasir Qadhi .

Images : Salatul Ghaeb/Absentee funeral prayer from different countries for Muhammad Morsi. 7

His death is inshaAllah counted as a martyrdom for him, and only increases our love and respect for what he represented.

President Mohamed #Morsi’s wife, Naglaa Mahmoud, writes: ⁣


“Dr. Mohammad Morsi, the legitimate President of the Republic of Egypt died as a martyr by Allah’s permission. In his cell, he died victorious, standing, dignified and rejecting oppression. ⁣

He died helping his nation, despite many having worked against him.⁣

He died proclaiming the truth, in advance, not in retreat, having unsheathed the sword of truth for 6 successive years without boredom, fatigue, capitulation or surrender. So Allah took him to Himself, removing him from an era of weakness, betrayal and hypocrisy. ⁣

Allah raised him so that he can join those of similar circumstance: Yahya (AS), Isa (AS); the Companions of the Ditch and Habeeb al-Najjar (Ya Sin). Allah raised him to the greatest companionship, and to His highest Paradise (Firdous) after delivering his message and dispensing his duty. ⁣

Just wait, victors of the traitor, unending darkness will prevail over you and severe punishment will come onto you. You will become a lesson, for those who take heed for the many generations to come.

To Paradise, O martyr. What a profitable transaction, O martyr.”⁣

Angela Mursi” I will not beg before tyrants for the dead body of My Husband” In late hours of last night army buried #Morsi somewhere unknown . Only wife , son and Lawyer are allowed to participate in funeral but are not allowed to see face.





What is also deafening is the silence of those scholars who cannot even manage to vocalize a Du’a for their brother in Islam. Strangely, they have absolutely no problems finding their voice when they wish to praise these tyrannical regimes and characterize them as bastions of peace and icons of virtue.

Sheikh Yasir Qadhi



Let us also learn about Salatul Ghaeb/funeral prayer in absentia

Muslim scholars have different opinions regarding the funeral prayer on the absentee.

This is the opinion of a great number of eminent Muslim scholars, including Al Khattaby and Al Rawiyani. Abu Dawud in his Sunan entitled a chapter: “Chapter of performing funeral prayer on a dead Muslim who died in a land of disbelief.”

This opinion is also the belief of Ibn Taymiyah and his disciple Ibn AlQayyim. The latter said in Zad Al Mi’aad: “Sheikh Al Islam Ibn Taymiyah said: ‘The right opinion is that the Muslim who died in a land where no funeral prayer was performed on him has the right to have absentee funeral prayer performed on him”. This is similar to what Muhammad  SAW did when he heard about the death of Negus of Abyssinia, a Muslim who died in a land of Kufr where there were no Muslims to perform a funeral for him. The absentee prayer fulfills the prayer obligation so that there is no need for other prayers.

The Shaafa’is and Hanbalis

The Shaafa’is and Hanbalis believe that the funeral prayer in absentia should be held for everyone who dies away from his hometown, even if the funeral prayer is offered for him in the place where he dies.

The second view is that it is prescribed to offer the funeral prayer in absentia if the deceased had benefited the Muslims in some way, such as a scholar, a mujahid or a rich man from whose wealth the people benefited, and so on.

The third view is that it is prescribed to offer the funeral prayer in absentia so long as the funeral prayer has not been offered for the deceased in the place where he died. If the funeral prayer has been offered for him, then it is not prescribed to offer the funeral prayer for him in absentia.

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