Modern Day Issues faced by Muslim Youth

We asked the Muslim youth about the issues that concern them .Here is what the youth say-

Islamic Articles on Modern Day Issues faced by Muslim Youth 111
  1. Lack of employment opportunities-Many youth want to study deen but because of lack of employment opportunities,they put their energy in secular studies.
  2. Pornography and masturbation :It’s something literally every youngster with a smartphone has had contact with but nobody educates them/us about these things.
  3. Riba it is  literally everywhere at this point
  4. Ethical consumerism
  5. Riya’ and minor shirk-Everyone of us in social media are guilty of some sort of Riya.
  6. The racist messages and stereotypes .It is not uncommon to hear racist remarks and that depresses us a lots .
  7. Keeping the hijab on-You must have heard how People sometime get scared and abusive when they see a Woman in hijab .
  8. Alcohol and Smoking have become very common in society and it is a real struggle to stay away from it.
  9. Ethenic differences. In my experience, roaming around parts of India, I was surprised at the amount of hatred a particular ethnic group has for the other. Unfortunately, this is prevalent even among muslims here to quite aome degree.
  10. Stress & Time Management Managing the pressure to succeed in every area of life and finding time to do it all seems to be one of the biggest challenges facing the youth today. Young people are expected to be successful, yet few of them are aware of effective time management.
  11. Materialism-We have forgotton the path of Sunnah and are striving towards gaining more materialistic assets thanks to social media influencers .
  12. Depression -Teens struggle with an anxiety disorder .They are seeing more descriptions of feelings such as isolation, sensitivity, being misunderstood, narcissism, worry, sadness, low self-control and general dissatisfaction.” It’s a phenomenon that cuts across all demographics—suburban, urban and rural; those who are college bound and those who aren’t.
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