Ramadan Reading List/Ramadan Reads: Islamic Books to learn more about Islam

Ramadan Reading List/Ramadan Reads: Islamic Books to learn about Islam 12

A reading list of Islamic Books for Ramadan

After a Person enters Islam, Allah gives him the quest to learn more on Islam. Many a times Reverts find it confusing to pick the most authentic book on Islam. Here We are listing some authentic and Valuable books on Islam which will let you learn the different Aspect of Islam In Sha Allah.


The First book ,We refer you to pick up for study is the constitution of Islam-“The Quran” . Read the Quran from Mushaf(The Arabic Quran) .If you cannot read,listen to the recitation of Quran. And try to grasp the message of Quran by reading the translation of Quran. The most Popular and the most exact translation of Quran in English is the Quran by MAS Abdul Halem. It is loved by the people who read it .

And Another one that is catching up to this list is the Meaning of Holy Quran by Yahya Emerick. Emerick’s Quran is not the exact translation of Quran but it help you grasp the subject as his explanation is purely simple english written for the School children. Even I use this book because it helps me to learn the topics talked about in a particular Surah and also gives the story of the background Verses. You may like to check my review on this :

Review of Abdel Halem’s translation of Quran-How is it different from the Rest

Review of Emericks Quran -“The Meaning of Holy quran for School Children “

2) Biography of Prophet Muhammad SAW

Muhammad: How He Can Make You Extraordinary

The Second Book you must read is the Biography of Prophet Muhammad SAW . When you read about the role Model Allah has sent to Us to guide us, You realise that there was a Prophet like us(human) who lived to all the commands of Allah swt . His Personality is the role Model for All Muslims and his every actions are a Sunnah that earns us rewards.The more you read about him,the more you will  feel attached to Allah swt. Peace and Blessings on our Prophet SAW.

The Book that gives a Precise story about the Prophet of Islam -Muhammad SAW is the Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Source .You can read its review here . A Very Interesting about Prophet Muhammad SAW is that his lineage tracks back to Prophet Abraham AS. You may like to look at this rare lineage chart. This is Interesting!

You may Also like this Book : Muhammad: How He Can Make You Extraordinary

3)A Short Guide for the New Muslim


There are certain Books written for the interest of the New Muslims like this “A Guide for the New Muslims ” .Again ,I am a born Muslim but I keep this book handy and consider gifting this books to friend and relatives because it summerizes the Pillars of Islam very comprehensively- “Whom to give Zakat to? Things that invalidates salah,etc. You may like to read its Review Here

4)Books About way of life as a Couple

Islam is a beautiful religion in which every act of day today life is an Ibadah .The man asking for someone’s hand in marriage should educate himself about wedding beforehand and know its rulings; thus, he should be mature when he approaches the issue. You can  listen to  this audio series of Fiqh in Love by Sheikh Yasir Birjas .And the book I really loved on this subject are :

  1.   A Gift to Muslim Bride

  2. Closer Than a Garment : Marital Intimacy According to the Purse Sunnah 

  3. The Fragile Vessels : Rights & Obligations Between the Spouses in Islam (Muslim family)


5) Books on Islamic History

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Islamic History has a lots of treasure because in it you will find the secret of many Quranic verses .For example if you know the reason and time of the Battle of Badr,you will understand why the “Badri”- the People who fought the battle of Badr where given very high status .I have compiled a list of Books on Islamic history . From it you can choose the period of Islamic History you are most interested in.

If you ask me about the book which gives you an overall view of Islamic History, I would suggest : Islam: A Short History by Karen Armstrong.

Note : If you Ask me about A Must have Book covering all aspects of Social life of Muslim This Book is definately : Minhaj al Muslim and A New Guide for Muslims

Ramadan Reading List/Ramadan Reads: Islamic Books to learn more about Islam

6)Books about the 4 Righteous Predecessor of Prophet Muhammad SAW

islamic books

Reading books about the khalifas ,their art of living ,their dealing with challenges and their level of imaan boost in you the spirit to do good and emulate them .

There is a hadeeth :

المرء مع من احب

A person will be with whom he loves. (Bukhari, Muslim)

Mulla Ali Qari (RH) states that the most common understanding for this hadith is that when a man loves those who are good and pious he will be raised with them on the day of resurrection, and if he loves those who are evil and corrupt he will be raised with these people on the day of resurrection.This can be further seen in the hadith:

المرء على دين خليله

A person is upon the religion of his friend. (Tirmidhi)

It is narrated in Bukhari, on the authority of a large number of sahaba’s that a man came up to the Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu alayhi wassalam) and asked“What do you say of a man who loves a certain group of people but cannot be of them?”To this Muhammad (sallalahu alayhi wassalam) replied “A person will be with whom he loves”By a certain group here the man meant those who were learned and pious that he loved these people but did not have the means to be amongst them.

Anas (RA) mentions in relation to this hadith;

“There was nothing which made us (sahaba’s) happier in this world than to hear this” (Muslim)As they loved Muhammad (saw) greatly, this hadith indicated that they would be with him the hereafter.

Some scholars have stated that this is a glad tiding of a good death for those who love the pious as they will be raised amongst them on the day of resurrection.May Allah make us from those who are resurrected with the pious on the day of reckoning. Ameen.

Recommended Books :

7)Learn about Islamic Finance :

Interest is haram in Islam.To acquaint yourself of the Islamic way of dealing with money matters ,to learn about riba and how you can escape riba you may like to read the dummy book on Islamic finance .I have written a whole review of books on Islamic finance but if you ask me the name of one single book that is easy to understand and comprehend,I would say it is – The Islamic Banking and Finance Workbook: Step-by-Step Exercises to help you Master the Fundamentals of Islamic Banking and Finance.

Some Other Recommended Books :

99 Names of Allah by Imam Ghazali

This is  very nice book .I have read it a number of times and would like to read it again and again.It is one of the book you must have in your book shelf for a quality reading .You can read this book Online or get one for yourself from Amazon

Minhaj Al Muslim

reading list ramadan

You can also read Minhaj al Muslim .It  is a two volume Book which covers all aspect of life. I have  read it and have found it very useful.The author of Minhaj Al-Muslim (The Way of a Muslim) was the great scholar Abu Bakr Jabir Al-Jaza’ri. He held the prestige of being a regular lecturer at the Prophet’s Mosque in Al-Madinah. His way of teaching was very simple and his lectures find a place in the minds and hearts of people . I don’t have a soft copy of this book .If You wish to read it , You can get it from Amazon. 

Riyadh as Saliheen

islamic books reading list


I found Riyadh as Saliheen very very Interesting .It  Covers every aspect of Islamic belief and moral conduct. It selects approximately 2000 hadith from the six major collections: Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, An-Nisai and Ibn Majah. It serves as an excellent hadith primer and daily reader. Wide range of topics: sincerity of purpose, spending in the way of Allah, rules of fasting, seeking knowledge, attending funerals and safeguarding the Quran. It has Arabic text as well as English translation .If You wish to reda it,You can get it from Darussalam .

Ramadan Reading List/Ramadan Reads: Islamic Books to learn more about Islam

Don’t Be sad:

Don't be sad -islamic books

Don’t Be Sad is an absolute must-read for all people. It is full of practical advice on how to replace sadness with a pragmatic and ultimately satisfying Islamic outlook on life. It exposes to the modern reader how Islam teaches us to deal with the tests and tribulations of this world. You can read it online or get one from Amazon.  If electronic media greatly distracts you as it distracts me you can consider having the book in your book shelf and assign a reading time for yourself .These are books that greatly benefits.

Ramadan Reading List/Ramadan Reads free books

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