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Meaning and Explanation of 99 Names of Allah -Part 4 (Seeking help with Asma ul Husna ) Series

99 Names of Allah -Part 4 (Seeking help with Asma ul Husna ) Series

Assalamu Alaikum,

Meaning and Explanation of 99 Names of Allah -Part 4 (Seeking help with Asma ul Husna ) Series 3

So, In the Previous Post We covered” Seeking Dua with Asma ul Husna till Ism “Al-Muhyi (The Maintainer of life) ” Which was number 60 . So Here is the Fourth Part of the Series where we will cover few more names,In Sha Allah.

Check Previous Post in this Series –

Part 4 – 99 Names of Allah


61 :Al-Mumeet – “The Inflictor of Death “

  • Ya Allah ! We Know that Only you are the Creator of Death, The Destroyer, The One who renders the living dead .
  • O Allah ! Do not let us die until you are Pleased with Us .
  • O Allah ! Make us Die Only as a Muslim
  • O Allah ! Give us the strength to read Sahadah at our death bed.

62 : Al-Hayy  – ” The Eternally Living One”

O Allah ! We Know that you are The Ever-Living

  • O Allah, Al-Hayy, we know that You are the One who is everlasting and perfect alive.
  • O Allah ! Bless us with reliance on You, make us realize Your Perfection of Life and so of all Your attributes and guide us to live by them.
  • O Allah ! Inspire us to turn to You only and grant to us eternal life in the Gardens of Jannatul Firdaws, ameen!

63 : Al-Qayyoom – The Self-Subsisting One

O Allah ! We Know that you are the One who remains and does not end.

  • O Allah ! Al-Qayyoom, we know that You are the One who is self-existing and sustaining all. Bless us with humility in our worship and dealing with others and make us of those who help the needy and strive in the cause of Islam.
  • O Allah ! Enable us to practice qiyaam ul layl, often make us remember standing before You and give us a longing to meet You and actions that bring us closer to You, ameen!

64 : Al-Wajid -The Pointing One

O Allah, You are The Perceiver, The Finder, 

  • O Allah, You are Al Wajid. You are Rich
  • O Allah ! You are the Perciever
  • O Allah ! Help Us

65 : Al-Majid  -The Glorious One

O Allah, Al-Maajid  ,All glory belongs to you .

  • O  Allah, Al-Majeed, Help us in understanding and acting upon Your glorious Book and make us of the dhaakireen, those who remember You continuously with a beautiful glory and praise.
  • O Allah ! Make us respectful to others, keep granting us honor through Islam and bestow upon us the honour of gazing upon Your Countenance in Paradise, ameen!

66 : Al-Wahid -The Unique

O Allah, Al-Waahid we know that You are the One and Only.

  • O Allah, Al-Waahid we know that You are the One and Only.
  • O Allah ! Grant us correct and unshakable belief in Your Oneness, allow us to truly understand and appreciate this Beautiful Name, act upon it and spread the message of Your Oneness to others.
  • O Allah ! Make us reflect your Creation and protect and forgive us from all types of shirk, ameen!

67 : Al-Ahad  -The Sole One

O Allah, Al-Ahad  we know that You are the One and Only.

  • O Allah, Al-Ahad we know that You are the Only.
  • O Allah ! Bless us with pure intentions and help us to do those deeds most pleasing to You.
  • O Allah ! Guide us to understand, live, and die by the shahada so the fire cannot touch us, and we will enter Your everlasting gardens, ameen!

68 : As-Samad- The Supreme Provider

O Allah, As Samad  we know that only you are the Provider 

  • O Allah ! you are  The Eternal, The Independent .
  • O Allah !   you are The Master who is relied upon in matters and reverted to in ones needs.
  • O Allah ! Provide us with halal Income and let us live a righteous life.

69 : Al-Qaadir – The Able One

O Allah, Al-Qadir   we know that you are Omnipotent.

  • O  Allah, Al-Qaadir we know that Your power is perfect.
  • O Allah ! Adorn us with patience and contentment with your decree and help us inspire others to do so.
  • O Allah ! Help us to turn to You and to consult You in big and small matters, and enable us to seek Your forgiveness in abundance. Ameen!

70 : Al-Muqtadir – The Powerful  One

O Allah, Al-Muqtadir we know that Your power enforces all decrees.

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  • O Allah, Al-Muqtadir we know that Your power enforces all decrees.
  • O Allah ! Guide us to practise our belief in your All-ability and capability, make us grateful for all aspects of your decree for us.
  • O Allah ! save us from arrogance and adorn us with tranquil hearts who remember you abundantly, ameen!

71 : Al-Muqaddim – The Expediting One

O Allah, Al-Muqaddim we know that you are the Promoter

  • O Allah ! you are the Expediter, The Promoter .
  • O Allah ! you are the One who puts things in their right places.
  • O Allah you  make ahead what you wills and delays what you wills.

72 : Al-Mu’akhkhir –  The Procrastinator

O Allah, Al-Muakhir , we know that you are the Delayer

  • O Allah ! you are the Delayer, the Retarder .
  • O Allah ! you are the One who puts things in their right places.
  • O Allah you  make ahead what you wills and delays what you wills.

73 : Al-Awwal – The Very First

O Allah, Al-Awwal we know that You are the One without beginning nor end.

  • O  Allah, Al-Awwal we know that You are the One without beginning nor end.
  • O Allah ! Guide us to put You and seeking Your pleasure first and foremost in our belief and our deeds.
  • O Allah ! Help us to give priority to our prayers, adorn us with love and closeness to Your Book and make us of the saabiqoon, ameen!

74 : Al-Akhir – The Infinite Last One

O Allah, Al-Aakhir we know that You are the last One who will remain when everything perishes.

  • O   Allah, Al-Aakhir we know that You are the last One who will remain when everything perishes.
  • O Allah ! Bless us with love and eagerness to meet You and make us remind ourselves that we will stand before You so we can strive to do good.
  • O Allah ! Enable us to do deeds whose rewards will continue, counting for us after our death, and give us a good ending, ameen!

75 : Az-Zaahir – The Perceptible

O Allah, Az-Zhaahir we know that You are the Manifest and High.

  • O Allah, Az-Zhaahir we know that You are the Manifest and High.
  • O Allah ! Make both our inward and outward good, guide us in reflecting on Your signs around us in a productive way.
  • O Allah ! Bless us with sincerity and make us of those who are able to gaze at Your Countenance in the Hereafter, ameen

76 : Al-Baatin – The Imperceptible

O Allah,  we know that You are Al-Baatin – The Imperceptible

  • O Allah ,You are The Hidden .
  • O Allah ! You are the One that nothing is above you  and nothing is underneath you , hence you  exists without a place.
  • O Allah ! You are  The Exalted .
  • O Allah ! Your  Existence is obvious by proofs and you are clear from the delusions of attributes of bodies.

77 : Al-Waali -The Holder of Supreme Authority

O Allah,  we know that You are the Holder of Supreme Authority

  • O  Allah, Al-Waliy, we know that You are the most loving Guardian.
  • O Allah ! Make us of your awliyaa and guide us to complement our obligatory acts of worship with abundant voluntary deeds.
  • O Allah ! Bless us with righteous friends, make us pious friends to other believers and assist us in turning to You only as our best Ally at all times, ameen!

78: Al-Muta’ali – The Extremely Exalted One

O Allah,  we know that You are the Extremely Exalted One

  • O Allah, Al-Muta’aali, we know that You are the Supreme.
  • O Allah ! Give us knowledge of and lead us to prioritize the deeds most pleasing to You and assist us in calling others to You.
  • O Allah ! Adorn us with firm belief in your Highness and admit us to the Highest Paradise without Reckoning, ameen!

79: Al-Barr – The Fountain-Head of Truth

O Allah, Al-Barr, we know that You are the source of all that is good.

  • O Allah, Al-Barr, we know that You are the source of all that is good.
  • O Allah ! Adorn us with the characteristics of the abraar (righteous ones), guide us in good conduct in each company we are in, and make our righteousness a way to lead us to Your Paradise, ameen!

80 : At-Tawwaab – The Ever-Acceptor of Repentance

O Allah, Al-Barr, we know that You are the source of all that is good.

  • O Allah ,You are the most forgiving,the most Merciful
  • O Allah ! you are the One who grants repentance to whoever you will among your  creatures .
  • Ya Allah ! you accept repentance . So Accept my Repentance and cleanse my heart .
  • Ameen !

If You are following our Blog , Do not miss the next post in which we will cover some more Names of Allah swt ,In Sha Allah . If You have not yet subscribed, Do subscribe. Jazak Allahu Khair .

Get all the duas from the series in a pdf form


Fahmina is the Founder of Islamhashtag.com and Opthametry.com. She is a certified Optometrist Doctor and an Alimah graduate.She expertise in Tafsir, Hadith, Fiqh, Seerah and she teaches Women and Kids. She is passionate about spreading authentic information about the religion of Islam. Connect with her to keep updated about her recent ebooks and projects.

View Comments

  • Aslm! I don’t see a link to series 5 of the 99names of Allah. It only goes to series 4 which is until no.80

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