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Meaning and Explanation of 99 Names of Allah -Part 5 (Seeking help with Asma ul Husna ) Series

99 Names of Allah -Part 5 (Seeking help with Asma ul Husna ) Series

This is the Final Part of the Asma Ul Husna Series . I Hope you found the Pevious Post Useful . May Allah Help all of Us reflect on his Beautiful names and may he shower his abundant Mercy on all of Us and also Forgive all our shortcomings . May Allah guide us and make us Muttaqin.

Meaning and Explanation of 99 Names of Allah -Part 5 (Seeking help with Asma ul Husna ) Series 3

Here are the otherPost in this Series –

Part 5 – 99 Names of Allah

81 . Al-Muntaqim The Retaliator

  • Ya Allah ! you are the The Avenger .
  • Ya Allah ! You are The One who victoriously prevails over your enemies and punishes them for their sins.
  • Ya Allah ! Protect the Oppressed from the hands of the oppressors.

82 . Al-Afuww The Supreme Pardoner

O Allah !  Al-‘Afuww, we know that You can erase all sins. 

  • Ya Allah ! Al-‘Afuww, we know that You can erase all sins.
  • O Allah ! Grant us the strength to pardon others and make us reflect on Your love and blessings upon us.
  • O Allah ! Aid us to obey you and guide us in keep asking You sincerely to pardon all our sins, mistakes, errors and faults so we will not even be questioned about them on the Day of Judgement, ameen!

83 . Ar-Ra’oof The Benign One

O Allah ! Ar-Ra’oof, we know that Your kindness encompasses us.

  • Ya Allah !  Ar-Ra’oof, we know that Your kindness encompasses us.
  • O Allah ! Increase our hearts in mercy and aid us in forbidding evil and enjoining good in ways most pleasing to You.
  • O Allah ! Make us reflect Your ra’fa, open our heart for the Quran and make us of those who follow Your warnings so we can avoid Your Punishment and enter Paradise safely, ameen!

84 . Maalik-ul-Mulk The Eternal Possessor of Sovereignty

O Allah !Maalik ul-Mulk, we know that You are our only Master and Ruler.

  • Ya Allah ! Maalik ul-Mulk, we know that You are our only Master and Ruler.
  • O Allah ! Make us remember the Day of Recompense in our words and deeds, aid us to truly reflect on Your Kingdom and be humbled by it.
  • O Allah ! Guide us in being responsible on this earth, just to those under our authority and make us enter Paradise, Your Eternal dominion of pleasure, ameen!

85 . Zul-Jalaali-wal-Ikram The Possessor of Majesty and Honour

O Allah ! Dhul-Jalaali wal-Ikram, we know that You are the Lord of all majesty and bounty. 

  • Ya Allah ! Dhul-Jalaali wal-Ikram, we know that You are the Lord of all majesty and bounty.
  • O Allah ! Aid us to seek Your Honourable Face only in our intentions, words and deeds.
  • O Allah! Help us to put obedience to You above everything else in our daily life and make us generous to others.
  • O Allah! Bless us with being able to see Your Countenance in the Hereafter, ameen!

86 . Al-Muqsit The Just One

O Allah ! The Equitable .You are the One who is Just in His judgment.

  • Ya Allah ! The Equitable .You are the One who is Just in His judgment.
  • O Allah !  Protect us from the injustice of others, adorn us with reliance upon You and Your justice at all times, ameen!

87 . Al-Jaami’ The Assembler of Scattered Creations

O Allah !  Al-Jaami’, we know that You bring together and gather all things.

  • Ya Allah !, Al-Jaami’, we know that You bring together and gather all things.
  • O Allah ! Make us reflect on the ways You brought to us and the rest of creation together and aid us to observe the sunan of yawm ulJumuah.
  • O Allah! Make us of those who join and stay with the jama’a (congregation).
  • O Allah! bring others together for good, and open our hearts to remember the Day of Gathering often and strive for Your shade, ameen!

88 . Al-Ghaniyy The Self-Sufficient One

O Allah !  Al-Ghaniyy, we know that You need none and all need you. 

  • Ya Allah ! Al-Ghaniyy, we know that You need none and all need you.
  • O Allah! Make us recognize our poverty in front of You and always make us thankful for the wealth You bestow on us and aid us to use it for Your sake.
  • O Allah! Adorn us with contentment with Your decree and make us of those who give away of what they love, ameen!

89 . Al-Mughni The Bestower of Sufficiency

O Allah !  you ae the Enricher, The One who satisfies the necessities of the creatures.

  • O Allah, Al- Mughni ,  we know that You are the one and only Provider.
  • O Allah, we know that You are sufficient for us. Make us of those who have firm belief in you, trust in You and turn to You with all our affairs, big or small.
  • O Allah , Make us of those who are content with Your provisions, guide us to work hard and use Your provisions wisely, and make us ponder them.
  • O Allah! Make us realize You suffice all our needs, aid us in sending forward good deeds to You and help us to fulfil the needs of others, ameen!

90 . Al-Maani – The Preventer

O Allah ! We know that you are the Withholder

  • O Allah, Al Mani , we know that You are the One who ensures our well-being. Make us mindful of You in everything we do and aid us in accepting and being content with Your decree in good and bad times.
  • Ya Allah Do not Withhold your blessings from us and from our Off springs .
  • Ya Allah ! Make the Quran our close companion and a witness for us, protect and cure our hearts from its diseases, and protect us at all times, against others and ourselves, in this life and in the Hereafter, ameen!

91 . Ad-Daarr – The Distressor

  • O Allah! You are the One who makes harm reach to whoever He willed and benefit to whoever He willed.
  • Ya Allah ! Put us under the Shade of your Mercy and do not e displeased with us. Ameen.

92 . An-Naafi’ The Bestower of Benefits

O Allah ! We know that you are the Bestower of all Gifts

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  • O Allah,You are  Al-Wahhaab, An -Naafi.
  • O Allah ! we know You are the Giver of all gifts.
  • Ya Allah! Make us of those who are grateful for Your gifts and use them to please You, and adorn us with love for You. Make us ponder Your gifts, inspire us to give gifts to others, and give us from Your mercy that overwhelms us in this present world and the world to come. Verily, You are the best giver of gifts, ameen!

93 .An-Noor The Prime Light

O Allah ! We know that you are the Noor

  • O Allah, An-Nur, we know that You are Light and all kinds of light come from you.
  • O Allah! Guide us in following Your revelation, so it can be a source of light for us in this life and the next.
  • O Allah! Aid us in doing many good deeds so our faces will be shining with light in the Hereafter, light will emerge for us on the siraat so we can witness Your Light in Paradise, ameen!

94 .Al-Haadi The Provider of Guidance

O Allah ! Al-Haadi, we know that You are the ultimate Guide.

  • O Allah ! Al-Haadi, we know that You are the ultimate Guide.
  • O Allah! Guide us on the straight path and make us of those who keep asking sincerely for your guidance in every matter.
  • O Allah! Inspire us to be aware and thankful for Your Guidance and aware of those who desire it. Aid us in inviting others to Islam and bless us with the ultimate guidance we need to enter Your Paradise, ameen .

95 .Al-Badi- The Unique One

O Allah ! Al-Badee’,we know that You are the incomparable Originator.

  • O Allah ! O Allah, Al-Badee,we know that You are the incomparable Originator.
  • O Allah! Make us of those who follow Your rope, gain correct knowledge of Your Book and the sunnah and protect us from bid’ah.
  • O Allah! Guide us in reviving the ways of Your prophet correctly, make us convey the message of Islam to others as You revealed it and adorn us with complete faith and trust in Your power to create and originate, ameen!

96 .Al-Baaqi- The Ever Surviving One

O Allah !  you are Al Baaqi . While Everything will cease to exist.Only you will Remain.

  • O Allah ! you are Al Baaqi . While Everything will cease to exist.Only you will Remain.
  • O Allah,  we know that You are the One who is everlasting and perfect alive.
  • O Allah! Bless us with reliance on You, make us realize Your Perfection of Life and so of all Your attributes and guide us to live by them.
  • O Allah! Inspire us to turn to You only and grant to us eternal life in the Gardens of Jannatul Firdaws, ameen!

97 . Al-Waaris The Eternal Inheritor

O Allah ! Al-Waarith, we know that You are the Inheritor of the heavens and earth. 

  • O Allah !  Al-Waarith, we know that You are the Inheritor of the heavens and earth.
  • O Allah! Aid us in using our worldly possessions to gain Your pleasure, guide us in remembering frequently that we will return to You and make us act upon this knowledge.
  • O Allah! Help us to abide by Your laws and make us of those that will inherit the highest Paradise, ameen!

98 . Ar-Rasheed – The Guide to Path of Rectitude

O Allah ! Al-Rasheed .You are the One who guides.

  • O Allah ! You are the ultimate Guide.
  • O Allah! Guide us on the straight path and make us of those who keep asking sincerely for your guidance in every matter.
  • O Allah! Inspire us to be aware and thankful for Your Guidance and aware of those who desire it. Aid us in inviting others to Islam and bless us with the ultimate guidance we need to enter Your Paradise, ameen

99 . As-Saboor – The Extensively Patient

  • O Allah ! Make us seek your help through Patence and Prayers. Indeed you are patient. we know nothing but what You teach us.
  • Ya Aallah ! Endure Patience in Us .
  • Ya Allah! Rescue us from all difficulty of Our Life.
  • O Allah! Make us contemplate ourselves and the creation around us, and assist us in accepting your decree at all times, ameen!

Ameen Ya Rabbul Alemeen.

Alhumdulillah! The Asma ul Husna Series is complete . In Sha Allah ! will Upload a Free Worksheet through which we can Practice learning the 99 Names of Allah swt.In sha Allah.

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Get all the duas from the series in a pdf form


Fahmina is the Founder of Islamhashtag.com and Opthametry.com. She is a certified Optometrist Doctor and an Alimah graduate.She expertise in Tafsir, Hadith, Fiqh, Seerah and she teaches Women and Kids. She is passionate about spreading authentic information about the religion of Islam. Connect with her to keep updated about her recent ebooks and projects.

View Comments

  • Dear sister. Assalamualaikum. Jazakum Allahu Khayran for this series as well as all the other helpful info on your website. May Allah continue to give you and your family and team all the success. I note that you are going for Hajj this year, I am also in sha Allah. May Allah accept all our hajj and duas. I have compiled this dua series into one Notepad sheet for easy printing, I wanted to tell you that. I may share it (the file) with others who might find it beneficial, but will make sure that I credit it to you always.

  • Jazakallahul.khair. I have now learnt how to use Allahs beautiful names and attributes to seek his help, guidance and protection. Allahumma bariklaha

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