With all of the talk of the coronavirus and its potential effects, it is imperative that we erase any traces of arrogance remaining in our hearts and humble ourselves in front of our Creator. Let us listen to this beautiful and eye opening lecture on Crises of Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Seven Lessons from the Crises of Coronavirus (COVID-19) by Dr Yasir Qadhi 5

Summary of seven Lessons from the Crises of Coronavirus (COVID-19) by Dr Yasir Qadhi.

  1. Corona is a test of Allah to make us humble
  2. It is to help us appreciate the fact that life and death is real
  3. It Shows us the foolishness of the superiority complex
  4. Materialistic possessions are not a measure of success/approval from Allah.No matter how rich you are you can’t do anything about it.
  5. It Makes selfish people realize that they need family and friends.
  6. It helps us appreciate the fact that there must be a higher power, belief in Qadar
  7. People rediscover their faiths during these tough times.

An Advice by Dr Yasir Qadhi

Allah is the Originator of Life, the sole Master of all in Existence. To Him belongs all that is in the Heavens and Earth. He Decrees and none can change that decree. He alone is the Lord and all besides Him are under His will. In His hands is life and death, mercy and punishment. All of the creation is completely and totally subservient to Him, for there is no power nor even capacity to change except from Him.

Muslims! Do not feel guilty if this calamity causes you to turn to Allah whereas before this you were heedless – that is what calamities are *intended* to do amongst those who believe in Allah. If you are only now ‘feeling religious’, it shows that you actually had faith, otherwise you wouldn’t be ‘discovering’ religion and finding comfort in it. It is never too late to repent from our sins, and it is never too late to turn to Allah.

There is no question that what we are witnessing is, from a theological perspective, a communal punishment. Allah does not change the security and blessings of a people except because of a change within themselves that causes these blessings to be lifted. Being safe and secure, walking about in society for our needs, visiting one another, going to masjids – these are all blessings that we took for granted, and we no longer have them. Instead, there is a general sense of precaution and fear and isolation that is clearly atypical of human society.

The fact that this substitution of blessings for fear is a communal punishment is explicit in the Quran, and in the Hadith
ذَٰلِكَ بِأَنَّ اللَّهَ لَمْ يَكُ مُغَيِّرًا نِّعْمَةً أَنْعَمَهَا عَلَىٰ قَوْمٍ حَتَّىٰ يُغَيِّرُوا مَا بِأَنفُسِهِمْ

However, this communal punishment is intended for each individual of faith to come out of it as a winner, and that the sum total for the believer should be that s/he gains much, much more than s/he loses. Even if the gain is not in this world (for many might lose wealth, income, health and lives), what is most important is the gain in the life to come.

So, yes, individually we should and must have a positive attitude, and we must think the best, and we must presume that much good will come out of this dark time. We do believe what is happening to us is happening for our betterment: a calamity in which we become religious is infinitely better than a blessing that causes us to become heedless.

Still, all of this does not change the reality that a communal punishment is being sent down for communal sins: of arrogance, and heedlessness, and licentiousness, and many others.

Only when we as a society recognize the causes for the communal punishment can we begin to rectify our societies so that we save ourselves from worldly pain, AND from the punishment of the Hereafter. Remember, ideally we want the good of this world and the next.

May Allah protect us all .

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