Tafseer Class in Hindi, Hadith Class in Hindi 12

Tafseer Class in Hindi/Urdu

Want to learn the meaning of Quran?

Quran learning
Tafseer Class in Hindi, Hadith Class in Hindi 13
  • Starting July 2024, Tafseer of Quran in Hindi
  • Teacher- Alimah Fahmina Jawed.
  • Venue- Via ZOOM
  • Every Monday and Wednesday, 12:00 pm Indian time/ 2:30 Pm Saudi time
  • Fees- Rs 1000/month or $12/month only
  • Recordings – Available
  • Only for Ladies
Islam hashtag course
Tafseer Class in Hindi, Hadith Class in Hindi 14

About the Teacher- Fahmina Jawed is an Alimah graduate from 2 prestigious institute. She is the founder of and she also runs hadeeth channel- @authentichadeeth .

Register for the class : Please Fill this form


Hadith Class in Hindi

Want to learn hadith Mubaraka of Rasul Allah sallalahu alaihe wa sallam?

  • Starting April 2024
  • Teacher- Alimah Fahmina Jawed.
  • Book- Riyad As Saliheen
  • Venue- Via ZOOM
  • Every Tuesday, 12:00 pm Indian time/ 2:30 Pm Saudi time
  • Fees- FREE
  • Recordings – Available
  • Only for Ladies

About the Teacher- Fahmina Jawed is an Alimah graduate from 2 prestigious institute. She is the founder of and she also runs hadeeth channel- @authentichadeeth .

Let us know which class do you want to take? You may contact us via whats app as well

Register for the class : Please Fill this form

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Tafseer Class in Hindi, Hadith Class in Hindi 15