What breaks the wudu?

What breaks the wudu? 7

Wudu ensures a state of physical and spiritual cleanliness, symbolizing one’s readiness to connect with Allah. Salah without wudu is not valid at all. So we need to learn about the things that break wudu. If due to any of the following reasons the wudu breaks, one needs to renew the wudu again.

We have written about Fiqh of wudu in detail. Which you can read here

Fiqh of Wudu

what breaks the wudu

What Breaks Wudu: Things that invalidate wudu

  1. Passing Gas: The release of gas from the rectum, either in the form of flatulence or belching, is considered to break wudu. This includes both voluntary and involuntary occurrences.
  2. Using the Restroom: Any excretion from the body, such as urination, defecation, or passing urine, invalidates wudu. Proper cleansing is necessary before renewing wudu.
  3. Loss of Consciousness: If an individual loses consciousness due to fainting, sleeping, or any other reason, their wudu becomes invalidated. Regaining consciousness requires the renewal of wudu.
  4. Contact with Blood or Bodily Fluids: Direct contact with blood, pus, or other bodily fluids breaks wudu. In such cases, the affected area must be cleansed, and wudu must be performed again.
  5. Deep Sleep: A state of deep sleep where one becomes completely unaware of their surroundings and body movements invalidates wudu.
  6. Touching Private Parts: Direct contact with one’s private parts without a barrier can break wudu. This is seen as a measure to maintain purity and respect.
  7. Emission of Sexual Fluids: The emission of sexual fluids due to sexual thoughts, dreams, or actions breaks wudu. Ghusl (ritual bath) is required before engaging in worship.
  8. Eating Camel Meat: According to some interpretations, consuming camel meat nullifies wudu. However, this is a subject of debate among Islamic scholars.
  9. Vomiting: The act of vomiting breaks wudu, as it involves the expulsion of stomach contents. After vomiting, wudu must be renewed.
  10. Laughing During Prayer: In some schools of thought, laughing loudly during Salah invalidates wudu. A calm and focused state is encouraged during worship.
What breaks the wudu?
What breaks the wudu? 8

Things that invalidate wudu (Shafi Fiqh)

Four things invalidate the ablution according to Shafi fiqh. They are:

1) Something exiting from the front or rear private parts (except for sexual fluid [mani]).

2) Losing consciousness, except for sleeping firmly seated.

3) Skin to skin contact between a man and a woman, except for an unmarriageable relative or a pre-pubescent child.

4) Touching the privates with the inner part of one’s hand.

(Minhaj al-Talibin v. 1, p. 86-87)

Q & A on what breaks the wudu (hanafi Fiqh)?

Touching a dog in wudu

The dog itself is not essentially filthy (najis al-`ayn) in the Hanafi school, unlike pigs. However, its saliva is filthy. Thus, touching a dog does not make one’s body or clothes filthy. (1)

If a dog’s saliva touches one’s skin, the soiled area should be washed thoroughly. The dog’s saliva touching one’s skin will not invalidate one’s wudu.

This is unrelated to keeping a dog–this is impermissible, for other than genuine needs (such as shepherding or guarding), as established by many rigorously authenticated hadiths of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace

Laughing in wudu

Just smiling doesn’t breaks the wudu. Laughing out loud breaks the wudu

Sneezing in wudu

Sneezing in wudu doesnt break wudu

Vomiting in wudu

 In the case of Wudhu, if a person vomits less than a mouthful, it will not nullify the Wudhu. However, if a person vomits a mouthful or more, it will nullify the Wudhu. (Maraaqil Falaah 1/39)

In terms of fasting, if a person vomits a mouthful or more intentionally, it will nullify the fast. Generally, in any other case, the fast will not be nullified.

Therefore, if a person vomits less than a mouthful, it will not nullify the Wudhu or fast. However, if a person vomits a mouthful or more intentionally, it will nullify the Wudhu and fast, but if it was unintentional, it will only nullify the Wudhu and not the fast.(2)

Does bleeding break wudu

The condition for blood [or other impure substances such as pus] to invalidate one’s ritual ablutions (wudu) is that they:

a) exit the body; and

b) flow past the point of exit, actually or effective (such that if left unwiped, it would have flowed);

Anything that invalidates ritual ablutions (wudu) is impure. [Multaqa al-Abhur]

That which exits from the body without invalidating wudu is not impure, such as blood that appeared on the body surface but did not flow past the point of exit. [Multaqa al-Abhur, Tanwir al-Absar](3)


  1. https://islamqa.org/hanafi/askimam/126172
  2. https://islamqa.org/hanafi/themufti/153516
  3. https://islamqa.org/hanafi/qibla-hanafi/36152/