Impact of Coronavirus on me as a Muslimah

Impact of Coronavirus on me as a Muslimah

5 years ago

Impact of Coronavirus on me as a Muslimah Assalamu Alaikum wrwb, The coronavirus is a reminder to us all of…

How to seek forgiveness- Hadith on how sins will be forgiven

5 years ago

How to seek forgiveness- Hadith on how sins will be forgiven A Muslim should always take heed. Be fearful of…

Seven Lessons from the Crises of Coronavirus (COVID-19) by Dr Yasir Qadhi

5 years ago

With all of the talk of the coronavirus and its potential effects, it is imperative that we erase any traces…

Pain of a mother whose Son doesn’t care and adab of treating Parents in their Old age.

5 years ago

She stood at the balcony,waiting with pleading eyes.waiting for someone,Maybe her Only son.Wrinkled and Weak,a mother in her 70s.her son…

Muslim Miscarriage Support and few words to bereaved Parents.

5 years ago

Muslim Miscarriage Support Loss of a child is the biggest trial one can face. It can not only break you…

Month of Rajab and some baseless practices in Rajab

5 years ago

“Verily, the number of months with Allaah is twelve months (in a year), so it was ordained by Allaah on…

The Story of tawaqqul of Rabia Basra : 10 Rotis one of which the Maid stole.

5 years ago

Story of Rabiya Basria : 10 Rotis one of which the Maid stole. Rabia Basra was a Sufi saint celebrated…

Ramadan Journal pdf for Kids and Adults

5 years ago

The purpose of Ramadan Journal is to help us recognise and throw away the excuses which have held us back…

Sara Haba becomes First Woman Pilgrim to reach Mecca by bicycle.

5 years ago

Sara Haba, a woman from tunisia made a record by becoming the first Woman to reach Mecca by bicycle. She…

3 Steps to battle depression (shaqiy):Dr Yasir Qadhi

5 years ago

The word for extreme sadness in Arabic is shaqiy (شقي). It is also used to describe a very unfortunate (or…