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How long does it take to read the Quran

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How long does it take to read the Quran

Islam Hashtag Changed status to publish September 30, 2023

How long does it take to read the Quran?

If you are starting a study of Quran under a teacher, the teacher may require you to study 1 page a day or 2 page a day or 3 page a day. On some days, he/she may ask you to repeat the lesson so it depends on how much days it can take to complete a Qur’an under a teacher. You can count the EId and Ramadan holidays if there are any so this is subjective and it truly depends on the teacher and how many days you are studying in a week.

How long does it take to read the Quran by a fast reader?

The speed at which a person reads can vary widely. Some people read slowly and contemplatively, while others read more quickly. The average reading speed for a fluent Arabic reader is around 200 to 300 words per minute. The Quran has approximately 77,000 words, so it would take an average reader around 4 to 6 hours to read the entire Quran in one sitting at this pace.



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Islam Hashtag Changed status to publish October 3, 2023