Qatar displays Prophetic Hadith ahead of FIFA World Cup to introduce the World to Islam : To introduce international fans to Islam, the government of Qatar exhibited murals depicting the Hadiths of the Holy Prophet. In addition to hosting the highly anticipated FIFA World Cup, Qatar is using the occasion to introduce the world to its customs, traditions, and culture.

Qatar displays Prophetic Hadith ahead of FIFA World Cup to introduce the World to Islam. 10

Murals comprising the sayings of the Prophet on mercy, charity, and good deeds have been erected on the streets. Some of the Hadiths displayed on streets include “Every good deed is a charity”, “He who is not merciful to others, will not be treated mercifully”

The FIFA World Cup is slated to be held between November 20 and December 18. It is also the first FIFA World Cup to be conducted in the Middle East. In October, Qatar hosted the Street Child FIFA World Cup 2022. 28 teams representing 25 countries participated in the tournament. 13 girls teams and 15 boys teams participated in the event representing refugees and displaced children.

If any Muslim plants any plant and a human being or an animal eats of it, he will be rewarded as if he had given that much in charity.

Qatar displays Prophetic Hadith ahead of FIFA World Cup

These murals in Pearl District of Doha, capital of Qatar, & in the corridors of commercial districts r inscribed with hadiths (sayings) of the Prophet & reflect the values ​​of Islam. They’ll draw attention of visitors during the FIFA World Cup Finals 2022 from 20/11 till18/12.

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Qatar displays Prophetic Hadith ahead of FIFA World


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qatar hadith
qatar hadith

What are Prophetic Hadith?

A hadith is everything that is attributed to the Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu alaihe wa sallam :
○ Words
○ Actions
○ Tacit approval
○ Physical features and Characteristics

Also read What are hadith- why are hadith Important?