A Lesson I learned in Prophet’s Mosque (Madina)

In one of my visit to Mecca , I witnesses an incident that has led a deep impact on me and has set for me an example to follow. I would like to share the beautiful incident with you.The Story of the Wealthy Servant I met in Madina.

Madina Stories :The Wealthy Servant I met in Madina 7

madina story

One friday ,I went to Madina to offer the Jumuah Salah . I was with my friend Shazia and we had a total of 3 naughty children with us . We found a corner in the Masjid and settled there . As we sat , We were offered a glass of Zamzam by a lady . Cool refreshing Zamzam .We thanked her and began to engage the kids so that they do not disturb us while we offer our nafil Salah . After a while I noticed that the  lady who had offered us zamzam was moving all around the place to search any tissue or wrapper or used glass and she was gathering them and throwing them in the dustbin.  There isn’t any litter inside the Prophet’s mosque as Masha Allah the keepers of the mosque are very good in their work and they roam around the mosque with a plastic bag of waste so that People sitting can get rid of the used tissues and glasses . But this lady I saw was keeping a hawks eye on the People around her and volunteering to collect their waste and throw them in the dustbin. She was also going to the zamzam tanks and filling glasses with water and offering them to other ladies  .  I wasn’t able to concentrate in Quran . I wanted to know about this lady .

Read about the Story of the Keepers of the Prophet’s Mosque :”Aghas “

I kept the Quran in the shelf and asked my friend to look after my daughter and went to sit near her . I noticed that she was around 55 years of age. Because of some problem she wasn’t able to sit on the floor. She was sitting on the Chair . She was with with her daughter who was of my age and she  was asking her mother to sit and relax . But the lady was so desperate to serve the guest of Prophet’s mosque that she didn’t want to relax .  She was dressed up in a very fine abaya and I saw a dozen of gold bangles in her hand that Proved that she belonged to a very wealthy family . I admired her and her enthusiasm to serve the guest of Prophet’s Mosque .Despite being  wealthy she was acting like a servant serving water to the people and cleaning the mess . She wasn’t very fit but was exercising all her effort to be helpful to People . The khutbah started and I came back to my friend and my daughter but this lady taught me a lesson . To be kind ,to be affectionate to people and to serve the People around you with all your potential .

I didn’t talk with her . I didn’t knew her .I will never meet her but she has left in me an impact that I will never ever forget and will always pray to Allah swt to give me the compassion towards poor , the kindness and the ability to serve the poor and needy with my wealth and with my knowledge. Please Pray for Me. Ameen.

Read the story of Bracelet of Kisra