Do you pray your salah / Namaj

Correct! Wrong!

Do you give alms to Poor?

Correct! Wrong!

Do you read Quran atleast one page a Day ?

Correct! Wrong!

Do you Love Prophet Muhaamad SAW

Correct! Wrong!

Do you treat your Parents well ?

Correct! Wrong!

Are you good to your Neighbour?

Correct! Wrong!

Do you Believe there is no God but Allah?

Correct! Wrong!

Do you believe in Resurrection -(life after death)

Correct! Wrong!

Do you Pay Zakat?

Correct! Wrong!

Do you fast in Ramdhan ?

Correct! Wrong!

Check How Practising Muslim are You?
Masha Allah ! You are a good Muslim.
Be steadfast in your deen and Keep us in your Prayer. Masha Allah ! May Allah bless you more...
Just One more step
Alhumdulillah! Allah has guided you to Islam. May Allah guide you more . May our actions Please Allah swt . May we become more dutiful to Allah! Keep trying! May Allah help you.Ameen.
May Allah guide You.

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Islam Hashtag is a platform which has been benefiting the ummah since the last 10 years alhumdulillah. It is the work of your sister, Alimah Fahmina who is an Islamic writer and educator. She has graduated from two Darse Nizami institutes and is currently pursuing a Master’s in Arabic. She is the founder of, where she shares Islamic knowledge and teaches Quran, Hadith, and Arabic to women and children. With a background in Optometry and a Postgraduate degree in Hospital Administration she is also the founder of