Where is the Location for People with disabilities In the Grand Mosque in Makkah? 14

6 Location for People with disabilities In the Grand Mosque in Makkah

The General Presidency for the Affairs of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque has allocated a number of prayer areas for people with disability and older women at the Grand Mosque, where the assisting agency for women’s social, voluntary and humanitarian services offers female visitors to the Grand Mosque comfortable and secure facilities to perform their worship.

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Where is the Location for People with disabilities In the Grand Mosque in Makkah? 15
Where is the Location for People with disabilities In the Grand Mosque in Makkah?
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Where is the Location for People with disabilities In the Grand Mosque in Makkah? 16

Hajj and Umrah Facilities for Special need /Disabled

Valuable activities and initiatives are provided, along with barcodes for supplications, fatwas, Sunnahs, and dhikr.

The designated prayer areas are equipped with a range of conveniences and divided according to categories, depending on the women’s special needs.

Flexible holders for the Quran and a pen are provided, and the entry and exit of female worshippers and their families are carefully regulated to prevent potential stampedes or overcrowding. The agency also offers Quran and religious lessons, with Friday sermons translated into sign language for the hearing impaired.

The areas comprise features that assist older women during their worship, such as pens, Quran holders, and large prints of the Holy Quran.

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Electric scooter location

Location for People with disabilities In the Grand Mosque

The authority has announced the location of halls for disabled men and women separately.

For Men:

  1. Opposite door 91 on the first floor
  2. Shabika Bridge door 68 first floor
  3. Next to Shabika Door 68 ground floor

For Women:

  1. Door 88 ground floor
  2. Door 65 first floor
  3. Shabika prayer area 15, around Mataf courtyard

These areas have been designed especially for people with disabilities. Ramps on entry exits, moving carts, and even electric and manual carts are available in these areas to facilitate disabled individuals

Efforts to place proper symbols, and instruction stickers along with the boards for the location of services have been placed specially for people with disabilities to ensure that every religious practice is accessible to them and there that no hindrance is being created for them.

6 Locations for People with disabilities In the Grand Mosque in Makkah

The installment of stickers and the allocation of halls along with the introduction of several other facilities highlights the commitment of the Affairs of Two Holy Mosques to ensure the well-being of the pilgrims.

These facilities underscore the kingdom’s welcoming nature and ensure that the spiritual journey is easy for all including the ones with physical issues.


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Hajj / Umrah,