Ihya Ulum Ad-din Review

Ihya Ulum Ad-din is one of the best book on tasawwuf. self reformation, increasing love towards Allah.

It is regarded as one of his chief works and a classic introduction to the pious muslim’s  path to salvation.

Quran learning
Ihya Ulum Ad-din Review 5

Originally spanning over 40 volumes, it deals with the principles and practices of Islam and demonstrates how these can be made the basis of a reflective religious life.

The book is divided in 4 parts-

First Quarter: On Worship (al-ibadat): Chapter 1-10

Second Quarter: On The Practices (al-adat): Chapter 11-20

Third Quarter: On The Mortal Vices (al-mublikat):Chapter 21-30

Fourth Quarter: On The Saving Virtues (al-munjiyat): Chapters 31-40

Broadly, It covers the following topics:

First Quarter – Acts of worship (Rubʿ al-ʿibadāt)
This part contains the following books:

Book 1: Book of knowledge
Book 2: Foundations of Belief
Book 3: Mysteries of Taharah
Book 4: Mysteries of Worship
Book 5: Mysteries of Zakat (Charity)
Book 6: Mysteries of Fasting
Book 7: Mysteries of Pilgrimage (Hajj)
Book 8: Etiquette of Qurʾānic Recitation
Book 9: On Invocations and Supplications
Book 10: On the Arrangements of Litanies and Divisions of the Night Vigil

Second Quarter – Norms of Daily Life (Rubʿ al-ʿadat)

This part contains the following books:

Book 11: On the Manners Related to Eating
Book 12: On the Etiquette of Marriage
Book 13: On the Etiquette of Acquisition and Earning a Livelihood
Book 14: The Lawful and Prohibited
Book 15: On the Duties of Brotherhood
Book 16: On the Etiquette of Seclusion
Book 17: On the Etiquette of Travel
Book 18: On Music and Singing
Book 19: On Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil
Book 20: Etiquette of Living and the Prophetic Mannerism

Third Quarter – The Ways to Perdition (Rubʾ al-muhlikat)
This part contains the following books:

Book 21: The Marvels of the Heart
Book 22: On Disciplining the Soul
Book 23: On Breaking the Two Desires
Book 24: Defects of the Tongue
Book 25: Condemnation of Rancor and Envy
Book 26: Condemnation of the World
Book 27: Condemnation of Miserliness and Condemnation of the Love of wealth
Book 28: Condemnation of Status and Ostentation
Book 29: Condemnation of Pride and Conceit
Book 30: Condemnation of Self-Delusion

Fourth Quarter – The Ways to Salvation (Rubʿ al-munjiyat)
Book 31: On Repentance
Book 32: On Patience and Thankfulness
Book 33: On Fear and Hope
Book 34: On Poverty and Abstinence
Book 35: Faith in Divine Unity and Trust in Divine Providence
Book 36: On Love, Longing, Intimacy and Contentment
Book 37: On Intention, Sincerity, and Truth
Book 38: On Holding Vigil and Self-Examination
Book 39: On Meditation
Book 40: On the Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife