How to Distribute Qurbani Meat amongst 7 shareholders?

Distributing Qurbani meat is an important practice during the festival of Eid al-Adha, and understanding the proper way to allocate shares according to Islamic law is crucial. This guide will help you navigate the mas’alah of distributing Qurbani meat among shareholders, ensuring that the distribution is done fairly and correctly.

How to Distribute Qurbani Meat amongst 7 shareholders? 8
How to Distribute Qurbani Meat amongst 7 shareholders?

Read- Why Muslim Sacrifice?

How to Distribute Qurbani Meat amongst 7 shareholders?

Equal Distribution Among Shareholders

According to the Fuqaha (Islamic jurists), it is compulsory for the shareholders of a Qurbani animal to distribute the meat equally among themselves. Failing to do so results in riba (interest), which is prohibited in Islam.

Key Points to Remember:

  1. Equal Shares: Each shareholder must receive an equal portion of the meat.
  2. Avoiding Riba: If the distribution is unequal, the extra amount of meat one shareholder receives will be considered riba.
How to Distribute Qurbani Meat amongst 7 shareholders?

Including Non-Meat Parts

In cases where both meat and non-meat parts (such as trotters, skin, etc.) are included in the shares, the rules slightly differ.

Non-Meat Parts Include:

  1. The four trotters
  2. Head
  3. Skin
  4. Tripe (stomach lining)
  5. Pluck (heart, liver, and lungs)

Rules for Distribution:

  • When shareholders receive both meat and non-meat parts, equal distribution of meat is not compulsory.
  • If a shareholder only receives meat, they must receive more meat than those receiving both meat and non-meat parts.
  • Receiving an equal or lesser amount of meat than others (when they also receive non-meat parts) is not permissible.

Appointing a Wakeel (Representative)

Shareholders can appoint a farm owner as their wakeel (representative) to distribute the shares on their behalf. This is permissible under the following conditions:

  1. The farm owner must distribute the shares according to Shariah law.
  2. The distribution must follow the rules mentioned above regarding equal and non-equal shares.

Distribution Process by the Wakeel

  1. Initial Allocation: The farm owner should initially distribute one trotter or another non-meat portion along with a meat portion to each shareholder.
  2. Shareholder’s Choice: After the initial distribution, shareholders can decide what to do with their shares.
  3. Separate Distribution: The farm owner should not separately distribute non-meat portions to the poor on behalf of any shareholder before completing the meat distribution.

After Distribution

Once the distribution is complete, shareholders can:

  • Keep their share.
  • Donate their share to the poor.
  • Allow the farm owner to distribute their share to the poor.

If all shareholders agree, the farm owner can distribute all portions (meat and non-meat) to the poor as desired.


From Majma’ al-Anhar 2/518:

“(And the meat should be divided) meaning, if the ownership of the meat is shared, then it should be divided (by weight) among the shareholders because it is measured by weight (not by estimation), as ownership implies precision. Estimation is not permissible when the type and weight exist. It is also not permissible to mix as it resembles gifting, and gifting a portion of something that is to be divided is not allowed (unless mixed) with it, meaning with the meat (parts like trotters or skin), so each portion has some meat and some trotters or some meat and some skin. Or one portion has meat and trotters, and the other has meat and skin. In such cases, it is permissible to exchange different types, as mentioned in Al-Durr.”

From Al-Inayah 9/511:

“And his statement (unless there is something from the trotters and skin with it) means that one portion has some meat with trotters, and the other has some meat with skin. Thus, it is permissible to exchange different types.”

From Al-Dhahiya by Abu Ali Al-Daqqaq Al-Razi:

“If six people share a cow and sacrifice it, then divide it. If four of them each receive a trotter and a piece of meat, and one of them receives the head and a piece of meat, and the other receives all meat, then it is examined: if he receives one-sixth or less of the meat, the division is not valid. If he receives more than one-sixth, the division is valid because the extra meat he receives compensates for his share in the trotters and head. However, this does not apply if he receives exactly one-sixth or less because each one of them has taken their share of the meat and extra, making the division invalid.”

From Al-Ajnas by Al-Natifi 1/519-520:

“If they are seven, and two of them take their entire share as meat, and one takes the head and a piece of meat, and the others each take a trotter and a piece of meat, then if those who took the meat receive one-seventh or less, the division is not valid. If each of them receives more than one-seventh, the division is valid.”


Distributing Qurbani meat involves careful adherence to Islamic laws to ensure fairness and avoid riba. By understanding the principles of equal distribution and the inclusion of non-meat parts, shareholders can ensure that their Qurbani is performed correctly. Appointing a wakeel can streamline the process, provided the distribution follows Shariah guidelines. (Reference- fatwa)

May Allah Ta’ala guide us in fulfilling our religious duties correctly.

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