Ways in which you can help Aleppo-It is time to take Action
The Pictures and Videos coming from Aleppo is overwhelming .Some 400,000 Syrians have been killed by their own government. People are starving with no acess to food,water,fuel and basic medical supplies.Men are being robbed,Women are raped and children are being killed.Hospitals and schools have been shown no mercy. Aid workers are being shot in their attempt to evacuate civilians. Aleppo is constantly bombed by the government forces of President Bashar al-Assad, assisted by Russian and Iranian allies .It is lying in ruins.Their Condition is really horrific.
The Pictures and Videos from Syria are so horrifying that we don’t even dare to see them.Most of them are locked with “disturbing graphic content” and our fingers tremble to unlock the content But dear brothers and sisters ,this is what is happening .We cannot run away from the truth . Unless we understand their Pain,We cannot feel for them. It is high time.We cannot ignore it anymore.
Let Me Share with You the picture drawn by a small traumatized Syrian child. It is enough to bring us in tears.
The News Reporters are breaking down reporting incidents from Syria. Recently there was another reporter who broke down reporting how children are treated without anesthesia in the hospitals of Syria.
How Can We help the People of Syria?
1.Donate to the relief efforts
A number of international aid agencies are on the ground helping the evacuation process at great risk to their personnel as well as raising funds for food, water, clothing and other essential supplies
Every dollar helps in critical situations such as this. Consider donating to non-governmental organisations including the Ummah welfare trust ,Helping hand for Relief and development,Islamic Aid,UNICEFetc.
2. Help fundraise
If you don’t have a lot of spare cash yourself, you can still help by organising fundraising drives, selling off old clothes and books, or baking cakes.
Alternatively, you can help by getting involved in already organised fundraising events. Check out what local community groups are doing.
3.Don’t send food or clothing
While there’s a huge need for food, blankets, stoves, clothing and food, the cost of posting these to the region outweighs the benefits and hampers already existing supply structures.
It’s better to donate money to the agencies on the ground.
4.Ask for Prayers for Syria in Your Local Mosque
Dua is a Powerful Weapon. Let us stand against the Oppressors .Let us Pray for the Opressed.Allah’s help will surely Come.In sha Allah.
5.Read Quran and Remember Syria in Your Prayers.Make Dua.
The least we can do, brothers and sisters, is to stop what we are doing and raise our hands up to Allah and beseech Him, sincerely, to protect our innocent brethren in that region. Remember them in your prayers, and donate to those amongst them whom aid is reaching. Many are fleeing Aleppo now, and what we donate now will trickle down to them when they are refugees in other lands.
May Allah protect the people of Syria and bless them for their sacrifices in this world and in the next!
Let us raise our hands in Prayer for Syria :
Create awareness among the People .Your Likes and Shares in social media can matter a lot.It can help the information reach to People who have the capability to help these Oppressed .
Jazak Allah Khair.
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Islam Hashtag is a platform which has been benefiting the ummah since the last 10 years alhumdulillah. It is the work of your sister, Alimah Fahmina who is an Islamic writer and educator. She has graduated from two Darse Nizami institutes and is currently pursuing a Master’s in Arabic. She is the founder of Islamhashtag.com, where she shares Islamic knowledge and teaches Quran, Hadith, and Arabic to women and children. With a background in Optometry and a Postgraduate degree in Hospital Administration she is also the founder of opthametry.com