Changing of the Kiswa,the cover of Ka’aba

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Changing of Kiswa (Video) 8

Kiswah is the cloth that covers the Kaaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.The holy Kaaba is covered with new kiswa (cover) every year on the 10th Dhu Al Hijjah, which coincides with Haj. It was a custom started by the Prophet Ismail (Pubh) 4000 years before the origin of Islam.

Kiswa is changed On the Day of Arafat:9 Dul Hijja

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Quran learning
Changing of Kiswa (Video) 9


The present cost of making the kiswa amounts to SAR 20,000,000 . The cover is 658m2 and is made of 670 kg of silk. The embroidery contains 15 kg of gold threads. It consists of 47 pieces of cloth and each piece is 14m long and 101 cm wide. The kiswa is wrapped around the Kaaba and fixed to its base with copper rings. The manually designed embroidery of the Quranic verses are slowly being aided by computers, thus increasing the speed of production


  • The cloth is 14 meters high.
  • On the top third of the cloth, there is the Kiswa belt which is 95 centimeters wide and 45 meters long.
  • It consists of 16 pieces and surrounds the Kiswa from all sides.
  • The belt is embroidered with protruding designs that are enameled with silver threads covered with gold. The material is made up of silk and a gold embroidered band is sewn about three fourth the distance from the bottom.
  • The part covering the door, which stands 2.13 mts above the ground on the north-east side wall, is covered separately with richly embroidered Quranic verses, leaving an opening for the black stone
  • Changing of kiswa is done on the day of arafat.

Read what is written in Kiswa-the cover of kaaba

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