Color and Learn Salah 13

color and learn Salah

Quran learning
Color and Learn Salah 14
Islam hashtag course
Color and Learn Salah 15

In this book you will find a complete explanation of the reasons for making Salah, how to perform Wudu (ablution) and Salah, as well as other issues pertaining to the Salah, such as prayer timings and prayer in congregation.

Divided into five separate units with enrichment questions, coloring exercises and the subject which is included are the times of the prayer, Wudu, and direction of the Ka’aba, what we say throughout, the positions of the body, du’a and good general information. this book will be of use to any student in the lower elementary grades.
All information is cheerfully delivered with pictures for kids to color and short reviews following each section. A good enrichment book for Islamic schools and homeschoolers.

Price :$6.99