Want some Edutainment? Try our Trivia Islamic Quizzes

Whom Did Ancient Jews callled "Son of Allah"?

Correct! Wrong!

Which Holy book was revealed to Moosa AS?

Correct! Wrong!

Did Prophet Noah's Son go to the Ark ?

Correct! Wrong!

Name the Prophet Whom Jinn used to obey?

Correct! Wrong!

What did Queen of Saba and her People Worship?

Correct! Wrong!

Who was the brother of Prophet Moosa AS ?

Correct! Wrong!

What does Allah's Beautiful Name "Al Haqq " mean ?

Correct! Wrong!

What did Allah tell the children of Israel to sacrifice ?

Correct! Wrong!

What is Shaitan?

Correct! Wrong!

Who is the Author of Quran?

Correct! Wrong!

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