
Islamic Trivia Quiz-04

Islamic quiz

How many total chapters are there in Quran

Correct! Wrong!

What is the total number of Verses in quran

Correct! Wrong!

In How many Days did Allah built the Earth and the Heaven?

Correct! Wrong!

In How many Days did Allah built the Earth?

Correct! Wrong!

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What is Raihan ?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the meaning of Tawhid ?

Correct! Wrong!

Which surah is called as the Purity of Faith?

Correct! Wrong!

How long did the Dwellers of cave sleep ?

Correct! Wrong!

How many witness must one bring to prove a charge against a chaste woman?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the meaning of Mizan ?

Correct! Wrong!

Islamic Trivia Quiz 04
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