Assalamu Alaikum wrwb,

Are you Prepared for Ramadan? Ramadan is now just few days away. If you haven’t already started your preparation for Ramadan, It is still not too late. Join us in Ramadan Preparation especially in this Pandemics when we need more of planning and motivations.

Day 1

day 1

“How unfortunate is a person who after the end of Ramadan does not gain any forgiveness of his sins from Allah but ends up piling more sins onto his account.”

Usually we turn our focus towards Ramadan right at the end. When we do not prepare for Ramadan in advance, we find our self rushing. When Ramadan starts, neither are we used to get up at suhur, nor are we free from the piles of pending works. Then We are also filled with guilt of not making up the fast of Previous Ramadan.If We have piles of work to complete, mental issues which occupy our mind and if we haven’t prepared well in advance, how will we make the best of Ramadan ?

Our righteous predecessors were very attentive to the worship to Almighty Allah, including paying great attention to the holy month of Ramadan. It is known that many of them used to pray to Allah during 6 months after the end of Ramadan to accept their fasting, and then in 6 months they would ask Allah to allow to see the next Ramadan, so that they have another opportunity to make this great worship, which is the fasting in this holy month. In other words, we can see how the pious predecessors of this Ummah (community of Prophet Muhammad, pbuh) were prepared to meet the Ramadan. Abu Bakr al-Balkhi, may Allah bless him with mercy, said:

“Rajab is the month to sow the seeds;

Shaban is the month to irrigate the crop;

and Ramadan is the month to reap the harvest”.

Day 1

Purify your Intentions and reflect.

‘Innamal a’malu binniyat.
Direct your efforts Solely to gain the Pleasure of Allah swt.

Things to do Today: Take a paper and a Pen and reflect on your last Ramadan. Write about the things that went wrong or the things you want to improve in this Ramadan. For Example :
1) I want to read more Quran
2) I want to Increase the amount of Dhikr

In a nutshell write about the spiritual goal that you intend to achieve this Ramadan. If you have a Ramadan Planner you can use it to compare your Ramadan each year. If you don’t have one you can write it down in a piece of Paper or in any diary that you normally use to plan your day.

You can even buy a Ramadan Journal from our store at $5 (instant download) if you want and use it year after year to compare your Ramadan goals. But it is just optional. The purpose is just to start planning and comparing and getting better each day.

And next , Purify your intention :

  • With my Ramadan fast I am fulfilling Allah’s command.
  • I want to attract the mercy of my Allah through Fasting
  • Ramadan is the month of mercy and blessing. I don’t want to remain deprived.
  • There is lots of pleasure in obedience to Allah
  • Allah loves people who fast and expiate their sins.
  • In Ramadan is Laylatul Qadr which has so much blessings.
  • In this month Quran was revealed and I want to honour this month.
  • It is a month which Allah has blessed us with.
  • And you can add many more………..

May Allah help us reap maximum benefit from Ramadan. Do you have anything to add to it? Write in the comment box so others can benefit too. And please share with your loved ones so that we all can benefit and help each other especially in this day and age of Pandemics which is causing lots of depression and spiritual decline.

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