7 Intentions of Hadith Study. 13

Seven Intentions of Hadith Study.

Islamic law, known as Sharia, draws upon both the Quran and the Hadith to establish legal and ethical guidelines for Muslims. Many of the specific laws and principles that govern personal conduct, family matters, business transactions, and societal issues are derived from the Hadith.

Quran learning
7 Intentions of Hadith Study. 14
Islam hashtag course
7 Intentions of Hadith Study. 15

Quran provides broad guidance on prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, and other acts of worship, but the specific details and procedures are elucidated in the Hadith.

The study of Hadith, the sayings, actions, and approvals of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), holds immense significance

Why Study Hadith?

Hadith provide invaluable insights into various aspects of Islamic belief, worship, ethics, and jurisprudence. They serve as a source of guidance, elucidating the teachings of Islam and offering practical wisdom for navigating life’s challenges.

Allamah Binnory (rahimahullah) states that Bukhari Shareef does not only consist of pages. Rather it consists of our deen, the blessed munawwar breaths of Nabi and is a means of hidayat and reformation.


الفوز بسعادة الدارين

  • To earn Allah Ta’ala’s pleasure thereby acquiring success in both the dunya and Akhirah

تكثير الصلوات على النبي الان

حفظ السنة من تدخل الأعداء

Seven Intentions of Hadith Study
Seven Intentions of Hadith Study : Dua for studying
  • To protect the Hadith, which is the basis of our Shari’ah

التحصيل دعوات النبي واة لمن يشتغل بأحاديثه و

  • To attain the du’as that Nabi made for those who engage with His Mubarak Hadith

إن لم تصحب نفسه على أنفاسه صحبنا

  • To (figuratively) spend these few moments with Rasulullah.

هو كلام محبوبنا الله

  • It is the kalam of our Beloved Master.

التحصيل دعوات النبي واة لمن يشتغل بأحاديثه

  • To attain the du’as that Nabi made for those who engage with His Mubarak Hadith

قال الإمام وكيع رحمه الله : ما عبد الله بشيء أفضل من الحديث

Imam Waki’iy said:
“There is no better way of worshipping Allah Ta’ala than seeking Hadith.”

صلى الله عليه وسلم

  • Reference: These were the Seven Intentions of Hadith Study as recieved from my Asatizas.Hope it benefits you too.

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