First Hijabi Olympic Weightlifter makes me Proud

Kulsoom Abdullah (born c1976) is a Pakistan American weightlifter who became the first female weightlifter from Pakistan when she competed at the 2011 World Championships. The same year, she also made history when, in keeping with her religious views, she became the first women to compete completely covered after theInternational Weightlifting Federation (IWF) modified its rules to accommodate her request to do so

First Hijabi Olympic Weightlifter makes me Proud 4

This Pakistani-American computer engineer has broken amazing records, and is taking down stereotypes with her.She has been an Olympic cross-fitter and weightlifter for past three years.

For Kulsoom, weightlifting plays into all aspects of her personality – the engineer, the philosopher, and the athlete. She wanted to do away with the idea that she was a “delicate butterfly” and that weightlifting is dangerous for her, while she fulfills her scientific bent by maintaining a logbook of her training.She says that something as simple as a Headscarf, full sleeve shirt, and full trousers should not be a barrier in your career.She Proves this and encourages young Muslim Women to never give up their dreams.

From Kulsoom’s story we can learn there is more that unites us than divides us as athletes.While Kulsoom deals with challenges specific to her religion and sport, each of us brings our own considerations, expectations, and limitations to bear on our lives, both inside and outside the gym. Kulsoom noted that just because someone comes from a different culture or chooses to dress differently, that person is not necessarily trying to set him/herself apart. At the end of the day we can all be at the same gym and we can all work out together; there is room for everyone.

As a Muslimah Myself,I am Proud of her and Sincerely Pray for More Role model like her.

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