Which Prophet Received the Quran?

Correct! Wrong!

Which Prophet was the grandfather of Prophet Ayub AS ?

Correct! Wrong!

Which Prophet was sent to the People of Ad?

Correct! Wrong!

Which Prophet was sent to "Ashab al Aykah " or the People of the Wood ?

Correct! Wrong!

What was the name of mother of Prophet Ishaq?

Correct! Wrong!

Which Prophet was sent to the People of Madyan ?

Correct! Wrong!

How many Spring gushed forth when the Prophet Musa AS struck the rock with his staff ?

Correct! Wrong!

What was the name of father of Maryam,the mother of Prophet Isa AS?

Correct! Wrong!

Who is known as " Kalim Allah " or the one with whom Allah spoke ?

Correct! Wrong!

Prophet Ibrahim AS prayed to Allah to make this "a city of Peace" .Which city was this?

Correct! Wrong!

Quiz on Prophets -level 2
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Islam Hashtag is a platform which has been benefiting the ummah since the last 10 years alhumdulillah. It is the work of your sister, Alimah Fahmina who is an Islamic writer and educator. She has graduated from two Darse Nizami institutes and is currently pursuing a Master’s in Arabic. She is the founder of Islamhashtag.com, where she shares Islamic knowledge and teaches Quran, Hadith, and Arabic to women and children. With a background in Optometry and a Postgraduate degree in Hospital Administration she is also the founder of opthametry.com