Famous Scholars Shaykh Yunus Jaunpuri (RA) Passed Away on 10/07/2017. His Childhood Collegue and another famous Scholar from Madina Shaykh Ismail Badat passed away the same day. What a huge loss to the Ummah!

Shaykh Yunus Jaunpuri never had a website or Facebook page or video of his addresses yet a number of Muslims showed up for his funeral which shows the true love of his students towards him. Indeed he was one of those gems which are very hard to find. The kind of knowledge he had about hadiths was highly impressive as he has given half a decade for the knowledge of Sunnah. And following sunnah and teaching it to others carries a great amount of reward on the day of judgment.

Local Newspaper reports that Nearly 1 million people performed Janazah Salah on Shaykh Yunus led by his son Mawlan Talha. This Reminds of Janazah of Imams Ahmed (800k) & Ibn Taymiya (200k). Subhan Allah !

Shaykh Yunus Jaunpuri was a Hadeeth Scholar(A Muhaddith ) from India and dedicated all his life for the cause of spreading the knowledge of Hadiths. His age was almost 80 years old and he spent most of his life in Mazahir Al-Ulum in Saharanpur located in India.

Shaykh Yunus (RA)has been teaching the Sahih of Imam al-Bukhari for over forty years at the famed Islamic seminary, Mazahir-e-‘Ulum in Saharanpur (UP, India) after having been appointed to do so by his noble teacher and Shaykh.In a post from Pearls of the Elders, Excerpts from the biographies, sayings and writings of the ‘Ulama of Deoband, Shaykh Yunus (RA) has been described as a scholar who remained preoccupied with hadith from the beginning and has immersed himself in it.“He himself related: ‘Whenever I receive money from someone, I purchase books on hadith with it. Whenever my respected teacher Qutb al-‘Arab wa ’l-‘Ajam [Imam Shaykh al-Hadith Mawlana Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhlawi] offered me money as a gift, I would use it to purchase some of his works.’”

Here is a Glimpse of His Janaza :

Letter of condolences from Madina’s Tayyibah university to the family, teachers and students of Muhaddith al Asr Yunus

Shaykh yunus Joanpuri

Letter of condolences from Madina’s Tayyibah university to the family, teachers and students of Muhaddith al Asr Yunus

May Allah grant them high level in Jannatul Firdaus.

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