LGBTQ in London school

Parents say, “LGBTQ are pushing and promoting their ideology, by holding events on school property for grade children in London and probably in the USA too! disgusting and should be stopped. Schools are for teaching the fundamentals like reading writing and math and other necessary skills.”

Muslim Parents raise concern over LGBTQ in London school. 9

The issue of bringing LGBT materials to schools has been a cause of concern to many Muslim parents.This is because homosexuality is totally forbidden in Islam.

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The image, which is part of a classroom presentation, shows an animation of a Muslim woman wearing a hijab named Hafsa, who is narrated as a bisexual disabled person and uses all pronouns.

The animation explains that Hafsa is a Muslim girl who must choose to be bisexual or Muslim. The line that says, “Hafsa realizes that she can be both,” sets a negative example to impressionable Muslim children that “look its fine for you to be both Muslim and gay.

Read : Why Muslims can’t be homosexual

Muslim Parents raise concern over LGBTQ in London school

Muslim Parents raise concern over LGBTQ in London school

In January earlier this year, Muslim parents in the RedBridge area of East London vowed to remove their children from their schools unless LGBTQ issues were addressed.

“We believe schools should respect the diversity of opinions on sexuality and relationships among the families in our community,” Parents United said in the report.

Parents United held its first face-to-face event in Redbridge onthe 5th of November 2022 at Al-Huda Welfare Foundation.
The event was open to parents in and outside of Redbridge.

Muslim Parents raise concern over LGBTQ in London school

Parents United said in their report,

  • We believe schools should respect the diversity of opinions on sexuality and relationships among the families in our community. This includes opinions grounded in faith and the opinions of those who do not ascribe to an organised
    faith, who are equally appalled by the sexualised content in schools.
  • The teaching of these sensitive topics should not present any view of personal morality as correct. As of yet, all evidence we have seen, suggests a one-sided narrative is being promoted in schools, and requests for clarification have not
    been adequately responded to.
  • While schools have a statutory duty to promote diversity and good relationships between communities, this can only be achieved by encouraging genuine diversity of perspectives rather than imposing one.
  • We argue, it is disrespectful and unhelpful to tell or to imply to children that the religious values they learn at home are bigoted or ‘phobic’ simply for having different views on relationships to those of others in our society. Tolerance and
    respect should be reciprocated and applied to beliefs as well as to identities
    and behaviours.
  • Schools’ views are often put first regardless of a child’s faith background.Whereas, religious views have become second place or are relegated to the last position. Schools have not allowed religion to be at the forefront for a child who
    is religious. We do not expect the schools to put religious views at the forefront,but they should allow a child who is religious to do so.

  • We also believe that schools are presently teaching about LGBT relationships disproportionately and far in excess of teaching about other communities with protected characteristics, and taught in a way that does not leave any room for
    healthy debate nor critical thinking.Therefore, we call for a review of how and where in the curriculum each protected characteristic is discussed for full transparency

Response Of department of education:

In response to the Parents United report, the Department for Education said pupils should “be taught about the society in which they are growing up” and subjects taught are “designed to foster respect for others and for difference and educate pupils about healthy relationships.”

“Ultimately, it is for schools to decide how they teach the RSHE curriculum, but they are accountable for what they teach. It is for schools to decide what resources they use, but schools should make sure what they use is factual, age-appropriate and in line with their legal duties.”

School rated inadequate for books on Islam and homosexuality

In another incident published in BB,,Inspectors, rated the school inadequate, saying Leaders of a Muslim boarding school “undermined British values” by allowing its library to stock a book calling for homosexual people to be punished.

The book, Islam on Homosexuality, was found by Ofsted during a visit to the Islamic Institute of Education.

Ofsted said it included “inappropriate content” unsuitable for pupils.

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