A Nightclub in Tunisia has been shut down after a DJ caused outrage with a remix of the Muslim call to Prayer

A European DJ causes offence after playing a dance remix of the Muslim call to prayer at a nightclub.

A video, widely shared online since Sunday, shows clubbers dancing to music that includes the call to prayer at the club in the north-east town of Nabeul.The footage sparked a storm of debate on social media.

London-born, Berlin-based electronic artist Dax J (pictured above) was playing Orbit Festival in the north-east Tunisian town of Nabeul last Friday (March 31) when he played a remix of the adhan, the sacred Islamic call to worship.

The venue where it took place, the El Guitone nightclub has since been closed by authorities. Mnaouar Ouertani, the governor of Nabeul, told Agence France-Pressethat the club’s manager had been detained “for violation against good morals and public outrage against modesty”. He added: “We will not allow attacks against religious feelings and the sacred”.

Organisers of the Orbit festival apologised on Monday in a post on the event’s Facebook page, but said it took no responsibility for the offensive tune.

“Dax J is English and played the track recently in Europe” and did not realize “it might offend an audience from a Muslim country like ours”, they said.

The DJ also apologised. “I want to offer my sincere apologies to anyone who may have been offended by music that I played at Orbit festival in Tunisia on Friday,” Dax J said. “It was never my intention to upset or cause offence to anybody.”

Ref : The Guardian

Note : We are not watching or loading the footage because it is a disrespect of Adhan.

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