The heart is heavy. Ramadan will end in less than an hour.

O Ramadan I will miss your sacred night and the blessed days.

O Ramadan, I will miss the barakat of suhur and Iftar.

O Ramadan , saying you goodbye is not an easy task.

O Ramadan, I will miss the joy of fasting and seeing everyone around me fast

O Ramadan, even if I get happy on sighting the moon of Eid, my heart shall always be attached to you preparing for your arrival next year.

As you go, leave the khushu and khudhu in salah with me. Leave the ta’lluq with Quran in me. Leave the sweetness of Imaan in me.

You may have seen many many worshippers. you may have seen many seekers of astaghfar. You may have seen many many pious. Next time when you come, I wish to be among those who were the best in Iman this year. I want to be among those who were the best in position with Allah this year. I don’t want to life a life of ghaflat. May my nafs be purified and my heart be purified.

O dear Ramadan, We will miss you a lot.

May Allah allow all of us to live the whole year in the spirituality of Ramadan.

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