The New Muslim Guide: Book Review

 The New Muslim Guide has some simple rules and important Islamic guidelines for new muslims

Quran learning
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I recommend this book to the New Muslims and the Muslims as Well. Why to a Muslim ? To a Muslim because it explains you the basic Principles of Islam in a very easy,comprehensive and diagrammatical way and has lots of Pictures ,illustrations and flow chart that makes it so easy to learn and retain. And to a New Muslim because it helps you begin to understand the deen and your responsibilities and requirements as a new muslim

The book also answers all their queries and gives them ample support to deal successfully with the various situations they will frequently encounter. Presented in a straightforward style, this guide provides documented information from the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet

Topics covered in the Book “The New Muslim Guide”

The New Muslim guide-Islam Hashtag

The Book is divided into 12 chapters :

1)How to convert to Islam

The New Muslim Guide - Book Review 18

2) How to lean about Islam and develop faith

3)Means of purification

4)How to Pray

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5)How to Fast and the merits of fasting

6) Zakat and the recipients of Zakat

7) Understanding Hajj and the rituals of Hajj

8) Dress Code of a Muslim

9)Moral Character

10 )And your New life as a Muslim.

I am Beyond words for this book, I would like to share some sample pages from this book so that you can get an idea about its content. It is beautiful!

The New Muslim guide-Islam Hashtag
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More Details about the Book:

  • Number of Page :258 pages
  • Publisher: Daar Samaa’ Al-Kutub Publishing And Distribution (May 2012)
  • If You want to get this book , Order it online from Amazon