UK introduces First Hijab Sculpture to Celebrate Strength of the Hijab 13

Hijab Sculpture to Celebrate Hijab-Wearing Women-Strength of the Hijab

UK introduces First Hijab Sculpture to Celebrate Strength of the Hijab

What is strength of the hijab?

It is believed to be the first sculpture of a woman wearing the traditional Muslim head covering. The is five metres (16ft) tall and weighs about a tonne.

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UK introduces First Hijab Sculpture to Celebrate Strength of the Hijab 14

Who designed the strength of the hijab?

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UK introduces First Hijab Sculpture to Celebrate Strength of the Hijab 15

The Strength of the Hijab sculpture was designed by Luke Perry and will be installed in the Smethwick area of the West Midlands in October.

UK introduces First Hijab Sculpture to Celebrate Strength of the Hijab

It was commissioned by Legacy West Midlands, a registered charity which celebrates the heritage of post-war migrant communities in Birmingham.

Mr Perry said: “It is a piece which represents women who wear hijabs of the Islamic faith, and it’s really there because it’s such an underrepresented part of our community, but such an important one.

“They need visibility, it’s so important, so working with the community to come up with the designs has been really exciting because we didn’t know what it was going to look like until now.”

Mr Perry has previously designed the Black British History is British History sculpture, alongside Canaan Brown, which was installed in Winson Green in May

What is Hijab?

“hijab” primarily refers to a veil or headscarf that is worn by some Muslim women as a symbol of modesty and privacy. The hijab covers the hair and neck while leaving the face visible. However, it’s essential to understand that hijab can have various interpretations and styles depending on cultural, regional, and individual preferences.

Hijab is a significant aspect of Islamic culture and is observed by many Muslim women worldwide as an expression of their faith and commitment to modesty.

News: BBC