Fiqh of Hajj
Hajj is a lifetime journey . It is one of the 5 Pillars of Islam .Every one of us must must try to learn about Hajj even if we are not Performing it this year. Below is a series of lecture from the Fiqh of Hajj by Dr Yasir Qadhi in which he also gives some Practical tips to the Hujjas . You may also watch this lecture on How to do Hajj for a more visual description
Keep in Duas and do ChecK our other Video Resourcesto educate yourself about Islam . The Lectures We choose for this Website are in simple English and from authentic Sources .These Videos cover the basic Fiqh of deen and is intended to act as a learning material for the New Muslims .
And If you are going to Hajj this year : Do grab this FREE HAJJ DUA DIARY and keep us in your Special Prayer.