Slovakia bans Islam as an officially recognized religion says Islam has no place

It is really disheartening that the predominantly Christian country of Slovakia has passed a law on Nov. 30 that effectively bans Islam as an officially recognized religion, which also blocks Islam from receiving any state subsidies for its schools.

Slovakia bans Islam as state religion , ensures no Mosques are built. 7

The prime minister, Robert Fico, said in May that “Islam has no place” in Slovakia. Prior to the law being passed, Slovak National Party Chairman Andrej Danko said, “Islamization starts with a kebab and it’s already under way in Bratislava — let’s realize what we can face in 5 to 10 years.”

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“We must do everything we can so that no mosque is built in the future,” said Danko.

Danko had called for steps to prevent the registration of Islam and ban the wearing of burqas in public and the construction of mosques and minarets.The law  is passed with a two-thirds majority in the Slovakia Parliament.The new law says that a religion must have at least 50,000 members to qualify for state recognition; the previous threshold was 20,000 members. According to Slovakia’s latest census, as reported by Reuters, there are 5000 Muslims there and “no recognized mosques.”

There have been protests in Slovakia against Islam and Islamification of Europe since long and now the government has not left any scope for the Muslims in Slovakia.



May Allah help our brothers and sisters in  Slovakia who have no mosques, no freedom to practice their religion and are looked down upon by their community.Let us take a moment to pray for them and for all our brothers and sisters.

Ref : The news appeared in  Reuters, and CNS News.