10 things that can erase Sins

“Sometimes the people with the worst past, create the best future.”Umar bin Al Khattab

Islam hashtag course
10 things that can erase Sins 9

Are You Scared of Your Past?Sometimes the burden of Sins make us so Upset and Worried that things get scary,We feel lost,stressed and suicidal and then shaitan comes to us pretending to us to be our best friend .He Offers to us his beautified Solution like “listen to some Music” ,” have a drink ” ,”you are already a sinner-doing more such sins will be the same as the first sin ” .And eventually Man starts to fall into the traps of shaitan and he even begins to call himself ” Devil “,”Badboy ” the Satanist ” . Astaghfirullah!

10 things that can erase Sins

Quran learning
10 things that can erase Sins 10

Allah says to His Prophet: “Say: “O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (az-Zumar, 39/53) But Shaitan takes hold of them and make them feel that the door of repentance are closed for them .He misguides them to such an extent that he get astrayed from the deen of Islam and he does not realize it until he has no time to repent. Please Pause here for a moment and reflect .Do You really want to come out of your sinful past ? If Yes,then there is a Solution. Proceed to the Video.

What If We have already Committed Sins : 10 Ways in Which the Consequences of a Sin can be Pushed away

I am Summarizing the lessons we take from this Video So that We can learn them and remind ourself in times of distress. These are-

Sins are pushed away-

  1. Do Tauba
  2. Engage in Istaghfar
  3. Do Good deeds
  4. When People make Dua for him ,Sins are wiped
  5. When believers gift the reward of their action to him
  6. When Prophet intercede for him on day of judgement
  7. Allah may expiate his sins through trial of this world
  8. Allah may put him in trial in barzaqh and expiate his sins
  9. Allah may trial him with horror of day of judgement
  10. With the Mercy of Allah

So Do lots of Astaghfar and remember me in your Duas too.

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