Maalik Bin Dinaar (rahmatullahi alayh) was one of the famous saints
of his time. It is said that in his early life he was not a pious man and
when someone asked him how he made taubah for his sins and gave
up his evil ways, he related the following story about himself:
“I was a policeman in my youth. I was fond of wine and would
drink like a fish. I drank day and night and led a carefree life. I
bought a beautiful slave girl whom I loved most dearly. I had a
daughter from her, a lovely child whom I was very fond of and she
was also very fond of me. When this baby daughter began to walk
and talk, I loved her even more and she stayed with me all the time.
The innocent child had a strange habit. Whenever she saw a glass of
wine in my hands, she would snatch it away and spill it on my
clothes. Being fond of her, I never scolded her. According to Taqdeer,
my innocent child passed away when she was two years old. I was
shocked and full of grief and sadness.
One night, the fifteenth night of Sha’baan, I was completely
drunk and went to sleep without reading my Isha Salaah. I had a most
horrible dream, in which I saw that it was the Day of Qiyaamah, with
men coming out of their graves. I was one of those who were being
taken to the place of questioning (Maydaan-e-Hashr). I heard the
noise of something following me and, looking back, I saw a huge
snake chasing me, close behind. Ah! It was a most horrible sight. The
snake had blue cat-like eyes, its mouth was wide open and it was
rushing towards me, most furiously! I ran faster in terror, desperate
for my life with the horrible snake still running after me and coming
I saw an old man, dressed in white beautiful clothes, full of
perfumes. I greeted him saying, Assalamu alaykum and he returned
my salaam. I said, “For the sake of Allah, help me in my difficulty.”
He said, “I am too weak to help you against such a powerful snake. It
is too strong. Carry on running, perhaps you may find some help to
save you.” Running wildly I saw a hill in front of me which I climbed,but on reaching the top, I saw after it, the raging Fire of Jahannam,
with its most horrible punishments. I was so terrified by the snake
that I carried on running till I was afraid I would fall into Jahannam.
Meanwhile, I heard a voice calling out aloud, “Get back, for, you are
not one of them (Jahannamis).” I turned around and began to run in
the opposite direction. The snake also turned around and came after
me. Again, I saw the old man and said to him, “Old man, can’t you
save me from this snake. I asked you before but you did not help me.”
The man began to cry and said, “I am too weak to help you against
such a mighty snake, but I can tell you that there is a hill nearby
where they keep the ‘trusts’ of the Muslims. If you go up that hill, you
might find something of yours kept in trust which might save you
from the snake.”
I rushed towards the hill which was round in shape
with many open curtained windows. The windows had golden
shutters decorated with rich rubies, and very precious jewels. On each
shutter hung a curtain made of beautiful silk. When I was about to
climb the hill, the angels called aloud, “Open the windows and lift up
the curtains and come out of your rooms! There is a poor man in
trouble. Maybe you have with you some ‘trust’ of his that might help
him in his problem.” The windows opened at once, the curtains went
up, and many innocent children came out, whose faces shone as
bright as the full moon. By this time I was completely hopeless
because the snake had come very close to me. The children called
their friends, “Come out quickly all of you, because the snake has
come very close to him.” Hearing this, more children came out of the
windows, in large crowds and among them I saw my own dear
daughter who had passed away some time ago. She also saw me and
began to cry, saying, “By Allah! He is my own dear father.” She
jumped on a swinging cradle, which seemed to be made from light
(Noor) and ran across to me. Suddenly she was standing by my side
and I gave her a big hug. She lifted her left hand towards me and with
her right hand chased the snake away. The snake immediately went
away. She then gave me a seat and sitting in my lap began to play
with my beard with her right hand saying, “My dear father,
۞ أَلَمْ يَأْنِ لِلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوٓا۟ أَن تَخْشَعَ قُلُوبُهُمْ لِذِكْرِ ٱللَّهِ وَمَا نَزَلَ مِنَ ٱلْحَقِّ وَلَا يَكُونُوا۟ كَٱلَّذِينَ أُوتُوا۟ ٱلْكِتَـٰبَ مِن قَبْلُ فَطَالَ عَلَيْهِمُ ٱلْأَمَدُ فَقَسَتْ قُلُوبُهُمْ ۖ وَكَثِيرٌۭ مِّنْهُمْ فَـٰسِقُونَ
“Has not the time come for the Believers (who do sins) that their hearts should become humble for the zikr of Allah and to the truth which is revealed” (al-Hadeed: 16)
I was moved to tears and asked her, “My daughter, do all of you
know the meaning of the Qur-aan?” ‘She replied, “We understand the
Qur-aan Shareef even better than you.” ‘I asked her, “My dear child,
what was this snake?” She said, “It was your evil deeds which were so
strong that it was about to push you into Jahannam.” I asked, “And
who was that old man dressed in white?” She replied, “He was your
good deeds which you had made so weak that he could not help you
against the snake (though he showed to you a way of escape).” I
asked, “What are all of you doing on this hill?” She replied, “We are
the children of Muslims, who died when we were small. We shall live
here till the Day of Qiyaamah, waiting to be joined with you. When
you come to us we shall beg for forgiveness for you by Allah Ta’ala.”
I then awoke from this dream, with the fright (of the snake) still fresh
in my mind. I turned to Allah Ta’ala in taubah as soon as I awoke,
and gave up all my evil ways.”
Reference- Fazaile sadaqat
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Author & Disclaimer
Authored by: Fahmina Jawed
I am an alimah who graduated from two Darse Nizami institutes, studying under various scholars. I currently teach Quran, Hadith, and Arabic to women and children.
Disclaimer: This post offers general guidance. For specific religious queries or personal circumstances, please consult a qualified Islamic scholar or mufti in your community.
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