In Response to Migrant Crisis and People Signing Petition to stop Immigration,A Reflection from the Story of the Chritian King as to Why he Protected the Muslim Refugees

Refugees are People who are forced to leave their land in fear of Prosecution and Conflict.Such People can seek Protection under international protection under the 1951 Refugee Convention on the Status of Refugees;

The Best Nation to have helped the Refugees(Past) 6

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) estimates that more than 464,000 migrants have crossed into Europe by sea for the first nine months of 2015. Syrians fleeing their country’s four-and-a-half-year-old civil war made up the largest group (39 percent). Afghans looking to escape the ongoing war with Taliban rebels (11 percent), and Eritreans fleeing forced labor (7 percent) made up the second and third largest groups of migrants, respectively. Deteriorating security and grinding poverty in Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, and Sudan have also contributed to the migrant influx.

Signing Petitions to let People Die

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Immigrants risk their lives to leave war-torn countries such as Syria, Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan, journeying to safer European countries.

According to the IOM, more than 2,800 migrants are reported to have died trying to make the crossing this year – altogether, 3,406 people have died in the Mediterranean in 2015.

But  sadly they aren’t being welcomed with open arms or receiving the offer of a helping hand.Infact recently,More than 40,000 people have signed UK Parliament petition asking the government to stop all immigration to the UK “immediately”.

People granted asylum is low

Although huge numbers have been applying for asylum, the number of people being given asylum is far lower.

In 2014, EU countries offered asylum to 184,665 refugees. In the same year, more than 570,000 migrants applied for asylum – although applying for asylum can be a lengthy procedure so many of those given refugee status may have applied in previous years.

There were more than 25,000 asylum applications in the UK in the 12 months up to June 2015. Most applications are typically rejected and in 2014, more than 60% of initial decisions on asylum applications were refusals.

In the same period, 6,788 asylum seekers and their dependents were removed or departed voluntarily from the UK.



A Real story from Past-Why did the Abyssinian Emperor chose to break ties with Allies than return Muslim Refugee

Today the People of Britain are Signing The petition, which says that many immigrants are “trying to change UK into a Muslim country”.This Ptition  had nearly 45,000 signatures at time of writing, with around 1,300 people signing each hour.

But If they Knew the Story Of the Abyssinian King and took Lessons from him,they wouldn’t have fallen to the trap of Ignorance.

During the Period of Early Islam,Muslims had to flee from Quraish(the tribe of Arab) to avoid Prosecution and Death.They fleed to Abyssinia. Quraish could not tolerate the prospect of a secure haven available for the Muslims in Abyssinia (Ethiopia), so they despatched two staunch envoys to demand their extradition. They were ‘Amr bin Al-‘As and ‘Abdullah bin Abi Rabi’a— before embracing Islam. They had taken with them valuable gifts to the king and his clergy, and had been able to win some of the courtiers over to their side. The pagan envoys claimed that themMuslim refugees should be expelled from Abyssinia (Ethiopia) and made over to them, on the ground that they had abandoned the religion of their forefathers, and their leader was preaching a religion different from theirs and from that of the king.
The king summoned the Muslims to the court and asked them to explain the teachings of their religion. The Muslim emigrants had decided to tell the whole truth whatever the consequences were. Ja’far bin Abi Talib stood up and addressed the king in the following words: “O king! we were plunged in the depth of ignorance and barbarism; we adored idols, we lived in unchastity, we ate the dead bodies, and we spoke abominations, we disregarded every feeling of humanity, and the duties of hospitality and neighbourhood were neglected; we knew no law but that of the strong, when Allâh raised among us a man, of whose birth, truthfulness, honesty, and purity we were aware; and he called to the Oneness of Allâh, and taught us not to associate anything with Him. He forbade us the worship of idols; and he enjoined us to speak the truth, to be faithful to our trusts, to be merciful and to regard the rights of the neighbours and kith and kin; he forbade us to speak evil of women, or to eat the substance of orphans; he ordered us to fly from the vices, and to abstain from evil; to offer prayers, to render alms, and to observe fast. We have believed in him, we have accepted his teachings and his injunctions to worship Allâh, and not to associate anything with Him, and we have allowed what He has allowed, and prohibited what He has prohibited. For this reason,our people have risen against us, have persecuted us in order to make us forsake the worship of Allâh and return to the worship of idols and other abominations. They have tortured and injured us, until finding no safety among them, we have come to your country, and hope you will protect us from oppression.”
The king was very much impressed by these words and asked the Muslims to recite some of Allâh’s Revelation. Ja’far recited the opening verses of Sûrah Maryam (Chapter 19 — Mary) wherein is told the story of the birth of both John and Jesus Christ, down to the account of Mary having been fed with the food miraculously. Thereupon the king, along with the bishops of his realm, was moved to tears that rolled down his cheeks and even wet his beard. Here, the Negus exclaimed: “It seems as if these words and those which were revealed to Jesus are the rays of the light which have radiated The king was very much impressed by these words and asked the Muslims to recite some of Allâh’s Revelation. Ja’far recited the opening verses of Sûrah Maryam (Chapter 19 — Mary) wherein is told the story of the birth of both John and Jesus Christ, down to the account of Mary having been fed with the food miraculously. Thereupon the king, along with the bishops of his realm, was moved to tears that rolled down his cheeks and even wet his beard. Here, the Negus exclaimed: “It seems as if these words and those which were revealed to Jesus are the rays of the light which have radiated from the same source.” Turning to the crest-fallen envoys of Quraish, he said, “I am afraid, I cannot give you back these refugees. They are free to live and worship in my realm as they please.”
On the morrow, the two envoys again went to the king and said that Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and his followers blasphemed Jesus Christ. Again the Muslims were summoned and asked what they thought of Jesus. Ja’far again stood up and replied: “We speak about Jesus as we have been taught by our Prophet (Peace be upon him) , that is, he is the servant of Allâh, His Messenger, His spirit and His Word breathed into Virgin Mary.” The king at once remarked, “Even so do we believe.
Blessed be you, and blessed be your master.” Then turning to the frowning envoys and to his bishops who got angry, he said: “You may fret and fume as you like but Jesus is nothing more than what Ja’far has said about him.” He then assured the Muslims of full protection. He returned to the envoys of Quraish, the gifts they had brought with them and sent them away. The Muslims lived in Abyssinia (Ethiopia) unmolested for a number of years till they returned to Madinah.

A True Christian is considerate and he stands for Humanity.Please Make this Message reach People by Sharing this Remnder. May Allah help the Refugees.


  • Tafseer Al Quran


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