Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin Share on Pinterest Share on Telegram Share on Email Share on Whatsapp Articles on RamadanMadinah launches portal for iftar providersMadinah launches portal for iftar providers RIYADH: The General Authority for the Care of the Affairs of the Grand Mosque and ...Read MoreA Mother’s Guide to Preparing for RamadanA Mother's Guide to Preparing for Ramadan As we gear up for another round of Ramadan, it's time to talk ...Read More“Rajab is the month to sow the seeds. Sha’ban is the month to irrigate the crop and Ramadan is the month to reap the harvest.”There is a very famous quote on Rajab- “Rajab is the month to sow the seeds. Sha’ban is the month ...Read MoreHadith on Laylatul Qadr, the night of DecreeLaylatul Qadr is also known as the Night of Power. It is a night which is better than 1000 months ...Read MoreA poem on repentance on Laylatul QadrA drop of tear in my eyes A poem on repentance on Laylatul Qadr A drop of tear in my ...Read MoreHow do you know that Allah loves you ?How do you know that Allah loves you ? Allah loves you if you adopt certain qualities and leave certain ...Read MoreAllahumma Innaka afuwwun DuaAllahumma innaka afuwwun tuhibbul afwa fa’fu annee dua اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّي What is Allahumma Innaka afuwwun ...Read MoreRamadan Poem- I need a spiritual retreatRamadan Poem-I need a spiritual retreat I need a spiritual retreatI want to cut the ropes of attachment of duniya ...Read MoreQuran Verses about Zakat and CharityQuran Verses about Zakat and Charity Zakat and charity are highly emphasised in Islam. It is one of the means ...Read MoreRamadan dua Ramadan day 01 to day 30 dua and hadithRamadan day 02 to day 30 (Shall be updated daily In sha Allah) Ramadan Mubarak! In sha Allah like every ...Read MoreRamadan Day 01- Ramadan Series 2023Ramadan day 01 Ramadan Mubarak! In sha Allah we will have a daily Ramadan Series. Our this year Series is ...Read MoreThe joy of Eid and the sadness of departing Ramadan.The heart is heavy. Ramadan will end in less than an hour. O Ramadan I will miss your sacred night ...Read MoreWhat to do in the last 10 Days of Ramadan.What to do in the last 10 days of Ramadan The last 10 blessed days of Ramadan is about to ...Read More30 Dua from Hadith in 30 Days of Ramadan.30 Dua from Hadith in 30 Days of Ramadan. More than 1000 People downloaded our 30 Rabbana Duas in 30 ...Read MoreScholars available 24/7 at Makkah’s Grand Mosque to help worshippersScholars available 24/7 at Makkah’s Grand Mosque to help worshippers JEDDAH: More than 30 Muslim scholars are available around the ...Read MoreShaban in Preparation of RamadanShaban Mubarak ! Abu Bakr al-Balkhi, may Allah bless him with mercy, said: “Rajab is the month to sow the ...Read MoreRamadan series to follow and a free Dhikr Book in English and UrduAssalamu alaikum wrwb, How are you all? I hope you are making the best use of your time in Ramadan ...Read MoreRamadan Series – Knowing Islam,reflection through QuranAssalamu Alaikum wrwb,We are happy to announce our Ramadan Series. - Starting Ramadan 1 In sha Allah. - Quranic reflection ...Read MoreLearn the Fiqh of Fasting- Ramadan Preparation PlanBefore Ramadan starts, it is beneficial to revise the Fiqh of fasting so that we are Prepared before Ramadan. We ...Read MoreRamadan Preparation Plan-Day 04Scholars say that you need to put effort in getting closer to Allah swt. You have to leave things that ...Read MoreRamadan Preparation Plan-Day 03Now that We are nearing Ramadan, We have to organise our books,our dua list,our room,our kids room etc and we ...Read MoreRamadan Preparation Plan RPP- Day 02Just like when an important Person whom you love very much comes to your house after a year ,you take ...Read MoreRamadan Preparation Plan- Day 01Assalamu Alaikum wrwb, Are you Prepared for Ramadan? Ramadan is now just few days away. If you haven't already started ...Read MoreDecoration Ideas for Homes during RamadanDecoration Ideas for Homes during Ramadan Let us see what are the options we have to create an excitement about ...Read MoreDhul Hijja Dhikr chartAssalamu Alaikum wrwb, I have designed this dhikr chart which you can download for free and share with others.You can ...Read MoreTypes of sadaqah; Sadaqah and zakat differenceSadaqah and zakat difference: There are two types of Sadaqah, namely optional Sadaqah and compulsory Sadaqah. Optional Sadaqah is where ...Read MoreSome more Personal Duas for Laylatul QadrDuas for Laylatul Qadr Have you read A list of 100 Personal duas we published few years back? You can ...Read MoreEid Salah at Home and opinion of different Madhab on Eid Prayer during Lockdown.By Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari A concept of our Dīn worth remembering is that the various rulings and prescribed ...Read More10 ways to maximise Productivity from RamadanHow to Maximise Productivity from Ramadhān? The Noble Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) has said: It (Ramadhan) ...Read MoreBeautiful Kaaba Project of 8-year-Old Zidaan Barodawala.A Proud Mom shares her 8-year-old boy’s Kaaba project for this year's Ramadan (Ramadan 2020). " My 8 years old ...Read MoreIntroduction to Islam through Quran- Ramadan SeriesAssalamu alaikum wrwb, We have started the series introduction to Islam through the Quran.This series is for those who are ...Read MoreDua for fasting,Dua for Suhoor & Dua for closing fast (Iftar)Dua for fasting,Dua for suhoor in Ramadan and Dua for closing fast (Iftar) In this post In sha Allah we ...Read MoreDua of seeing New moon,Dua of Sighting Ramadan moon and Eid Moon.Moon sighting dua, Dua of seeing New moon/ Dua Upon Sighting Of The Crescent Moon Here is the Dua of seeing ...Read MorePerform Taraweeh at home Minister of Islamic Affairs, Saudi ArabiaThe decision to suspend prayer in the mosques will continue to be in force, if the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic ...Read MoreRamadan Journal pdf for Kids and AdultsThe purpose of Ramadan Journal is to help us recognise and throw away the excuses which have held us back ...Read MoreDua Book for Ramadan-Learn 30 Quranic Dua in 30 days of Ramadan.Learn 30 Quranic Duas in 30 days of Ramadan. Quranic Duas in Arabic with English translation & transliteration.Learn One Rabbana ...Read MoreBenefits of Zakat : 5 Reasons Why a Muslim Pay Zakah?Benefits of Zakat: Have you ever wondered Why do Muslim Pay Zakat? zakat meaning ? Zakat is an obligation imposed ...Read MoreTry the Prophet’s favourite drink Nabeez at suhur for all day Energy.Nabeez the blessed Drink That Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Consumed. How was your first Ramadan ? I called up few relatives ...Read MoreMy Ramadan Goals and Ramadan checklistRamadan Goals Assalamu alaikum wrwb , Was it your First Ramadan today or your Ramadan starts tomorrow ? Ramadan Mubarak ...Read MoreI’tikaf Types and I’tikaf Rules we must know.I'tikaf Types and I'tikaf Rules We generally relate Itikaf to spiritual retreat to a Mosque in the last 10 days ...Read More10 Post Ramadan Advice from the Ulemas of Deen.Post Ramadan Advice from the Ulemas Assalamualaykum, I hope you are well and enjoyed the blessed day of Eid. May ...Read MoreEid Mubarak ! May Allah accept your Ibadah of Ramadan.Alhamdulillah for another Eid. May Allah grant us and you many many more. We pray that with each new Eid ...Read MoreBuild your Deeds App reminds you to be consistent in your Ibadah – Great App for Ramadan.Every year we make lots of goal for Ramadan . Only few of us succeed in carrying the plans till ...Read MoreRamadan Mubarak :Useful articles on RamadanUseful articles on Ramadan Some Q&A on Ramadan: How many days is Ramadan? Ramadan is 30 days but it can ...Read MoreRamadan Dhikr ChartAssalamu Alaikum, Ramdhan Dhikr Chart has a list of Dhikr which is full of Rewards and is recommended to be ...Read MorePrintable Ramadan Planner for KidsThe Ramadan Planner for Kids Planning Kids' Ramadan schedule: With this Planner you can keep a record of your fast ...Read MoreRamadan Bundle Worksheet and Planner for KidsRamadan Bundle Worksheet :Engage your kids with these super useful Printable The Bundle includes : Islamic Calligraphy worksheet with 25 ...Read More50 Ramadan Quotes and Status Update .Are You Looking for Islamic Quotes on Ramadan ?Here are 50 Ramadan Quotes for Social Media status update, Sms and ...Read MoreGetting Ready for Ramadan.Ramadan is the most awaited time of the Year .With Ramadan just around the corner, many of us are looking ...Read MoreMeaning and Explanation of 99 Names of Allah -Part 5 (Seeking help with Asma ul Husna ) Series99 Names of Allah -Part 5 (Seeking help with Asma ul Husna ) Series This is the Final Part of ...Read MoreEid mubarak Images from around the WorldEid mubarak Images from around the World Assalamu Alaikum, Play the Audio: Takbeer of Eid Eid Mubarak greetings you can ...Read MoreA Personal Dua Diary – 100 dua in English100 Personal Dua Assalamu Alaikum. I am Aafiya. In My Previous Post I talked about my amazement when I learned ...Read MoreQiyamul lail Prayer from Mecca-(Last 10 Days of Ramadan )Qiyamul lail Prayer from Mecca 2017 of the last 10 days of Ramadan Qiyam' means 'standing' and 'Qiyam al-Layl' means ...Read More99 Names of Allah – Part 1 (Seeking help with Asma ul Husna ) SeriesDua with 99 Names of Allah Series - A Ramadan Dua Diary In one of the Workshop I attended on ...Read MoreIslamic Gifts for Kids (Great Eid Gifts )Confused on the Best Eid Gift for Kids ? Here are few Recommendations: Eid is the day of Joy and ...Read MoreSome Incredible gifts for Ramadan and EidEid is for rejoicing and giving gifts on Eid is recommended as it strengthen ties and instills love . Some ...Read More99 Names of Allah Colouring Sheets for Kids(Part 2)This post is the 2nd Part of the 99 Names of Allah Colouring Sheet . You can print them off ...Read More99 Names of Allah Colouring Sheets for Kids99 Names of Allah pdf 99 Names of Allah Colouring printable : Teach your Child 99 Names of Allah subhanahu wa ...Read MoreFasting Tips for Ramadan( New Muslims and People observing their first Ramadan)Fasting Tips for Ramadan I was talking with a friend of mine who is a revert about the challenges a ...Read MoreRamadan Dua List – Ramadan day 1 to 30 duas Duas from QuranRamadan Dua list, Ramadan day 1 to 30 duas Dua is the Essense of Worship. There is a hadeeth -“Verily ...Read More20 Ramadan tips for students:Tips to keep your Brain sharp while Fasting20 Ramadan tips for students Analysis: Fasting is not at all bad for students.Fasting does not equate to calorie restriction! ...Read MoreVirtue of RamadanVirtue of Ramadan /Importance of Ramadan Assalamu Alaikum, The month of Ramadan has arrived alhumdulillah! Since we have been preparing ...Read MoreRamadan Quiz – Level easyCheck More Quizzes : Here ...Read MoreA Ramadan Quran Reading Chart to Complete Quran in 30 DaysA Ramadan Quran Reading Chart to Complete the Quran in 30 Days Do You Want to Read Complete Quran in ...Read MorePreparing for Ramadan Checklist : Ramadan CountdownFor Every Important Event,We need a Preparation. But How to Prepare for Ramadan ? Assalamu Alaikum, As a student of ...Read MoreLessons learned from Prophet Muhammad’s Khutbah on RamadanRamadan Khutbah of the Prophet Muhammad/Prophet Muhammad's Khutbah on Ramadan Ramadan has arrived alhumdulillah. We Should aim to make the ...Read MoreIslamic Wall stickersIslamic Wall Stickers emerging as a new trend of Wall art in Mosques, homes and Public Places. It is no ...Read MoreWhy Muslims Sacrifice Animals on Eid ul Adha?Eid ul Adha -A Joyous Feast for the Poor and the Needy Few days back in India there was an ...Read MoreEid special Recipes and the story behind themYummy Eid special recipes to try this Eid Eid ul Adha is also famous for yummy non veg food.Let us ...Read MoreDiary of a pilgrim:Hajj Diary 2015 HAJJ DIARY: HASTENING FOR HAJJ 21/09/2015 I am standing in the blessed sanctury ...Read MoreNew e-Bracelets soon for the Hajj PilgrimsNEW e-BRACELETS SOON FOR THE HAJJ PILGRIMS The ministry of Saudi Arabia aims to serve pilgrims and visitors of Makkah ...Read MoreHOW IS RAMADHAN FAST DIFFERENT FROM OTHER TYPES OF FAST?HOW IS RAMADHAN FAST DIFFERENT FROM OTHER TYPES OF FAST? Muslims world wide observe total fasting (no food or water) ...Read More10 things to do in Eid-Sunnah of EidWhat things to do in Eid? Sunnah of Eid Eid is a day of great Joy .If You are a ...Read MoreDua after Adhan اذان -How to reply to Adhan?Dua after Adhan اذان -How to reply to adhan We hear Adhan 5 Times a day. This is the dua ...Read MoreThe health benefits of Ramadhan fast as compared to DietingHOW IS RAMADHAN FAST DIFFERENT FROM OTHER TYPES OF FAST? Muslims world wide observe total fasting (no food or water) ...Read MoreHEALTH BENEFITS OF FASTING IN RAMADHANHealth benefits of Fasting in Ramadhan It has been suggested that fasting during Ramadan has numerous health benefits, improved brain ...Read MoreFEW RAMADHAN TIPS FOR DIABETIC PATIENTS Diabetic and Fasting Fasting during the holy month of ...Read MoreRamadhan of Saudi arabiaSeven reasons why Ramadhan of Soudi arabia is better than India. Let me introduce myself first.Asian by ethenicity and born ...Read MoreSupport Islam Hashtag by Sharing the article with your Friends.Islam Hashtag is a platform which has been benefiting the ummah since the last 10 years alhumdulillah. It is the work of your sister, Alimah Fahmina who is an Islamic writer and educator. She has graduated from two Darse Nizami institutes and is currently pursuing a Master’s in Arabic. She is the founder of, where she shares Islamic knowledge and teaches Quran, Hadith, and Arabic to women and children. With a background in Optometry and a Postgraduate degree in Hospital Administration she is also the founder of Share Article: Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin Share on Pinterest Share on Telegram Share on Email Share on Whatsapp